These Are Dating Rules You Should Ignore


We've all heard those ancient dating "rules." You know, the ones your mom gave you when you were old enough to begin dating or the ones that your friends gave you when you told them that you joined a dating website. I'm here to tell you that these "rules" are outdated. They're awful. And they're holding you back from meeting your spouse.

1. The Rule: Don't be the first to initiate contact.

Why you should ignore it: If you don't tell someone that you're interested, how will they know that you're waiting for them to send you a message? The purpose of online dating is to make connections with others so that you can meet them in person and decide if they could be a good match.

Often, when you view a profile and don't send a message, it sends an unspoken message that you weren't interested at all. (Ladies, I'm talking to you too!) If you're not sure what to say, we have some awesome tips to help you write messages that will stand out and encourage responses.

2. The Rule: Wait 3 days before calling/texting/messaging or you'll seem too desperate.

Why you should ignore it: In years past, things moved much slower, but now that everyone (and their mothers grandmothers) have cell phones and Internet access, we're living in a world of instant gratification.

If you enjoyed your first date and want a second date, send a message or give them a call to let them know. If not, they'll be left wondering what went wrong and may have a date scheduled with someone else before you're done fulfilling your 3-day wait time.

3. The Rule: Show some skin in your profile picture so you'll attract someone hot.

Why you should ignore it: You attract what you put out there.

If you're looking for something real—a spouse who will love you and cherish you in the way that God intended—honor God in your search for a spouse by dressing in a way that shows respect for yourself and your future spouse. When you do, you'll find that you're desired for who you are as a person instead of the amount of skin that you're willing to show, and you'll begin attracting spouse-worthy matches instead of people who are looking for a hookup.

4. The Rule: Tell a few white lies to make yourself seem more interesting on your profile.

Why you should ignore it: Again, you attract what you put out there and nobody wants to be with a liar. Trust is difficult to build once it's lost and it can mean the difference between a new relationship with someone absolutely amazing, and a relationship lost because you lied about something trivial.

Hitting the big 4-0, 5-0, or 6-0 doesn't instantly make you unattractive to potential matches. We've successfully helped couples in their 70's and above find their match and if you're honest about who you are, we can help you too.

5. The Rule: If you don't see sparks on the first date then it wasn't meant to be.

Why you should ignore it: It's just the first date. First dates are awkward and conversations can be difficult. Unless there's a glaring reason not to go on a second date, don't close the door just because you didn't see those sparks or feel butterflies. Go on that second date and learn more about their life, their likes and dislikes, their outlook for the future, then start to decide if he or she is someone who would fit into your lifestyle.

No two relationships will start the same. Instead of following these antiquated dating rules, go with the flow. Dating isn't a game. You're searching for your future spouse—the one you'll spend the rest of your life with.

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