"Where and when will I find Mr. Right?"
Women write to me asking this question very often.
I get e-mails from women who are struggling as they see many of their friends finding significant others, getting asked on dates, etc., while they feel alone and totally hopeless when it comes to dating. They share with me about how they pray and pray for the right man to come along, or pray to have any glimmer of hope at all by going on even one date with a good man.
Dating in the Christian or Catholic world in hopes of finding a spouse can be a tremendously difficult season of any young adult's life.
Are you holding out for a romantic, magical meeting with The One?
Five years ago, my sister was sharing this sentiment with me one night. The great men were nowhere to be found in the arenas she was involved in across the board. She knew it was highly unlikely that she would find them in the bar scene in Hollywood, or randomly bump into one in the produce section at the grocery store.
She desired a meaningful and lasting relationship with a good, strong Catholic man and hoped to be married sometime in the nearer future. As we were having this conversation that night, something stirred within me and I knew I had to push her along the way, so I made her do something I thought was totally crazy.
I forced her to sign up for CatholicMatch.
As only a sister can, I did not give her the option not to make a profile. We cried laughing as we filled out her profile, thinking it was the goofiest thing she would ever do. I was surely and secretly hoping that this venture would not leave her feeling more hopeless than before as we entered her TV habits, her favorite style of liturgy, her favorite saints, and her "Agree" or "Disagree" to those 7 questions regarding how "in line" she is with the doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church.
Our sides split with laughter and God was in hysterics right along with us. What happened next?
She met the man she would marry online a week later.
Maybe God doesn't need an online resource to bring people together but He certainly uses it.
Online dating can be an uncomfortable topic or thought for some people. My sister's story certainly does not happen for everyone who signs up—online dating is not a surefire way to find your spouse, but I find some people are completely closed to the possibility.
Some still feel there is a stigma attached to it...they fear or dread meeting someone and then having to explain to everyone who asks, "We met online." Some people who are struggling rightfully feel that God does not need an online resource to bring people together. Sure, He doesn't need it. But does He use it? Absolutely.
Say what you will about online dating. I am well aware that it has brought disaster for some people, a greater hopelessness for some, and a huge cause for celebration and joy for others.
God does use online dating to write wonderful love stories.
All I can speak to is what I have witnessed—and a number of years ago, I witnessed the most spectacular of sacraments when my sister walked down the aisle—and have witnessed even more joy in hers and her husband’s beautiful baby boy.
God uses online dating to write wonderful love stories—I have seen it again and again through multiple friends who have met their spouses and have had very positive dating relationships via CatholicMatch, and I am looking forward to attending yet another wonderful CatholicMatch wedding this summer.
God can and will use anything to bring His will to fruition—and one of those wonderful means I see Him continuing to use for our good and for His glory—is the internet.
Editor's note: This post was first published on Emily Wilson's personal blog.
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