Here is a love letter to my fellow woman.
Dear Sister in Christ,
You and I are in the same boat, we are both single Catholic women.
Perhaps you thought or hoped you would be married by now with children of your own. Maybe you are single because you had to walk away from an unsafe marriage or your husband walked away from you. Perhaps you ended a serious relationship or your boyfriend shattered your heart. Maybe you are frustrated with dating prospects in 2019 and just do not know if you will ever find a man to share your life with.
I do not why you are single or what are the life circumstances that find you in this space in life. I wish you and I were talking and sharing our hearts right now over mugs of coffee in the cozy corner of an inviting coffee shop.
I know I never thought I would be in life where I find myself at almost 34 years old.
I dreamed and hoped I would marry young and raise a small army of future saints with my husband. Instead, my life has experienced divorce, annulment, dating again, ending a serious relationship, and now tipping my toes back into the dating world.
Sometimes the story of how our life plays out goes very differently than we could have imagined. I know I feel that way.
Nevertheless, I do know even when life does not go the way we imagined or planned, it can still be good, fulfilling, and full of beauty. This is a life lesson I am slowly and imperfectly learning. Some days I am better at it than other days.
Just because your life is lacking people, things, or situations you may deeply desire and ache for, does not mean your life is any less important, or lacks meaning and purpose.
Your beautiful, rare, life is defined by who God says you are.
It is not defined by your relationship status, how many children you have, or the children your heart desires to have. Your life has purpose and value and importance just as you are, right in this time in your life.
You have a unique purpose, a story to tell and develop that no other soul on earth can achieve. You have a unique life song to sing back to the heart of the Father.
Your time of being single may very well be for only a season. It may be for the rest of your life. I do not know that answer for you. But wherever the path turns and winds for you, I know God wants you to have joy and peace in your life. I know that He wants good things for your life, because we believe in a God who is faithful and keeps His promises. And I promise you, He always does; even if it looks very different from what we want.
The way to peace and joy in life no matter the circumstances is surrender and acceptance. That does not always mean life will go the way we want, but I do believe we can find contentment even if the story has a different ending than what we wanted.
Slowly, I am learning this in my own life.
I am acknowledging and naming to Jesus the desires of my heart. In the same breath, I have to accept the reality that even if those things do not happen for me, God is still good. He still loves me and He will give me peace (yes, even joy!) to accept however my life unfolds.
I pray that for you as well from the depths of my heart. I hope you experience joy, peace, and goodness in your life, even if it has not gone as you imagined.
I pray that God will speak words of love and affirmation into your heart and mind; that you will constantly be in awe of how faithful and good He is. I pray as you reflect on the journey of your own life you will see God’s hand weaving together all types of threads to create a beautiful story.
Run after your dreams. Take that pilgrimage. Start that business. Write that book. Tell your story. Snuggle and cuddle all the babies. Be a true friend. Be a loving daughter, sister, aunt. Make time for your passions, hopes, and dreams. Take care of your mind, body, heart, and soul.
Cherish your one life to live. Make it beautiful and rich.
I pray for your peace and joy.
Let us live this one life well and use our life to do something beautiful for God.
All my love,
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