I think sometimes New Year’s Resolutions get a really bad rap.
I actually have always loved the hope and promise of what another New Year brings. I get excited about things like goal planning and thinking about new habits or structures I want to build more into my life.
What I think can feel overwhelming for some people is making these broad-sweeping types of resolutions. The best way to tackle goals and make lifestyle changes is by setting small goals and making progress over time. Once you tackle the smaller goals, reach higher! Dream bigger!
It is not about perfection, but progress over time. Show yourself grace and kindness.
Here are a few ideas to get you thinking about new habits or structures to implement in the New Year:
1. Need help with your finances?
Use 2019 to work on paying off debt and learning to pay for things with cash. Dave Ramsey and his course Financial Peace University is a great resource to help people learn to stop letting their money control them.
2. Practice gratitude daily by counting your gratefuls.
Buy a journal and use it to count the things you are grateful for in life, for all the ways God blesses you.
3. Struggling with too much screen time?
Try building some social media guidelines to help you use your phone more intentionally and with greater focus. I have found it very helpful to set timers and the when the timer goes off, I am done for the day.
4. Serve in your parish in a new way.
Join the choir. Check out the book club or new Bible study. Think about signing up to be a catechist or serve as an Alpha table host. Perhaps think about becoming a Eucharistic minister and start taking Holy Communion to the homebound in your parish community. Look at what is going on at your parish, and find a new way to serve and help give back to your community.
5. Start exercising regularly.
This can be a resolution that by February a lot of people have fallen off the band wagon. Remember change begins in small ways. Even something as simple as only climbing the stairs to your office.
6. Need to spice up your prayer life?
Sign up to pray more novenas. There are lots of different ways to pray. If you’re unfamiliar with novenas, think about learning more in 2019.
7. Help the poor.
Carry granola bars or water bottles in car to hand out to homeless people when you encounter them.
8. Choose a new patron saint for the New Year with the Saint Name Generator.
This is a great way to pick a new patron saint for the year or just learn about different types of saints you may not be as familiar with.
9. Take a cooking class for yourself or with a family member or friend.
Maybe you want to learn how to make homemade pasta? Or perhaps you want to learn some basic kitchen 101 skills? Check out the schedules for adult classes at your local community college or community center. You may find something to spark your interest!
10. Spend more time nurturing your friendships.
Make that phone call. Send a handwritten note in the mail. Those little things really do make a difference.
11. Have your pastor over dinner.
Find out his favorite meal and host a small dinner together with close friends or other folks from your parish. Get to know your pastor more and let him know how you appreciate him and pray for him.
12. Change up your CatholicMatch profile a little bit!
Add some new pictures. Connect with other members in the forums. Connect more and get involved in our online community.
13. Pay it forward!
Over-tip your server or hair dresser. Pay for the person’s order behind you in the Starbucks drive through line. Or maybe pay for someone’s gasoline at the pump next time you fill up. Love your neighbor as you go about your daily life. Random acts of kindness are such a powerful force in the world.
14. Are you struggling with personal or emotional issues in your own life?
There is NO shame in asking for help and going to counseling. Catholic Therapists is a great place to start to find some Catholic therapists in your local area.
15. Keep learning and growing as an adult.
Are any of you podcast fans? I have a lot of podcasts I subscribe to for different genres: politics, faith-based, and cultural. Subscribe to a couple of podcasts. Pick ones that challenge you or help you learn in different ways. One of my favorite ones is Stuff You Missed in History Class.
16. Pursue a creative dream.
Maybe you’ve been putting off starting a blog. Perhaps you want to dip your toes into the world of freelance writing. Or maybe you want to learn how to take good photographs or want to take an art class. Creativity looks different for everyone, but deep down I think we all have dreams we would like to pursue but somehow talk ourselves out of it. Let 2019 be you year! Spend time on that creative dream.
17. Learn about different rites within the Catholic Church.
I have been to both Chaldean and Byzantine Catholic churches before and found the experiences enriching and beautiful. Take time to learn about the different cultural traditions that influence our Catholic brothers and sisters across the globe.
18. Write more handwritten notes or letters.
Start keeping a journal of letters you write to your godchild/ren. Send notes to your grandparents, parents, siblings, or mentors in your life. Take extra time to let special people in your life know why and how they matter to you.
19. Add a new spiritual rhythm to your life.
If you do not go to Eucharistic Adoration very much, think about committing to a weekly holy hour. Or perhaps pick a day each week to fast. New spiritual practices can stretch us in new ways.
The New Year is not about finding the best resolution and sticking to it like glue.
Be patient and gentle with yourself in the ways you want to learn and grow in 2019.
Do you ever make New Year’s Resolutions? What has been your experience of them? Have you learned about yourself through the process?
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