Would You Go Across the Country for a Million Bucks?


I have a confession to make: I hate road trips.

I hate sitting in the car for a long period of time when the bathrooms are thirty miles apart. I hate spending money on car rentals, gas, hotels, and restaurant food. I hate missing my normal routine and the feeling that I'm going to get back and be way behind.

Until I get there. Then I'm glad I went. Always always. That is because what is on the other side is someone I love.

My dad and my sisters and brothers live far away from me. I'm not going to give up our summer family reunion just because I have to rent a car and pay for a hotel and drive four hours.

Two of my daughters, their husbands, and their adorable babies live six hours away from me. I just got back from a week up there in which I got nothing done at home, but spent my time hugging my grandchildren and reconnecting with my kids. Seeing them far outweighed the hours in the car.

How about you? Would you spend hours in the car to see someone you loved?

I also have many fond memories of vacations with my family at a beach or a lake and hope to make many more such memories. Will I complain when it comes time to plan, pack, and schlep? Yup. I usually take the brunt of that workload. Whoopie. The moment we smell the sea air, all the stress fades away.

How about you? Do you think a vacation is worth all that it takes to get there?

Soon my husband and I will go on our once-a-decade trip to Europe. Talk about a long trip. Talk about expensive (even if I did use points). Talk about all the logistics I have to cram into my head. Oh well. That's what it takes to get to the fabulousness on the other side of the big pond. Whatever hours I have to spend, whatever money I have to scrimp and save, whatever sacrifice I have to make, is totally worth it.

How about you? Would you hop on a plane? Would you set aside the time? Would you scrimp and save to go somewhere exciting and fabulous?

Are you wondering why I keep asking: How about you? It's because if you are willing to put up with inconvenience to see people you love and go places that are fabulous—great! You lead a rich, full, exciting life.

Now, apply that same spirit to your online dating.

Open up your geographic boundaries. Be willing to meet someone from anywhere. Do not let the schlep factor stop you. It could be all that stands in the way of your future happiness.

I'm not suggesting that you need to jump on a plane or drive six hours just to meet someone you might not like. That would be foolish.

I am saying to consider dating someone from anywhere. Then get to know the person via phone, skype, text, etc. If that works out, and you think you are a good fit, then you make plans to get together.

Is there still a risk that you'll end up disappointed? Unfortunately, yes. But love is a risk all around and only those who are willing to take that risk get rewarded.

There are lots of success stories on CatholicMatch that show that geography does not have to be an obstacle.

In today's world, traveling is relatively easy—er, in spite of what I said in the opening paragraph. We live in America, where you can travel freely as long as you aren't carrying a weapon or a full-sized tube of toothpaste. You do not need to choose a spouse from your own city or state or even country.

My husband and I grew up 200 miles apart and when we met it was even farther away than that, in the tiny country of Liechtenstein. Geography did not stop us and it should not stop you.

If success stories like ours or those on CatholicMatch don't convince you, ask yourself: Would I travel across the country or the world if there was a million dollars waiting for me? You'd be crazy to leave the million bucks sitting there, unclaimed, just because you had to make a trip to get it.

So why wouldn't you travel to meet someone you could love? Isn't love worth so much more?

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