Bring Your Virtual Dates to the Next Level


There has never been a better time than now to become comfortable with dating virtually!

However, even when this virus ends (because it will!) being able to plan a great virtual date is a skill that will benefit you throughout your CatholicMatch dating journey! We are so fortunate to be alive at a time where we have technology that allows us to connect with others across the globe. And, luckily, it's easier than ever before to get started.

Before you begin, it's important to pick the right tools.

If you are just starting to connect with someone and don't want to disclose any of your personal information yet, Zoom is a fantastic video-chatting platform. Unlike Facetime or Skype, you won't need to provide any information you don't want to, including your last name!

Once you've picked your video-chatting platform, then you can begin with the other more fun details. Ask yourself, what is the purpose of this date? Is it just to get to know someone better? Or is it connect on another level? Depending on your relationship with the person, you can determine what type of virtual date is best for you and your relationship.

If you're just beginning to get to know someone, pick a date that is simple and comes with zero pressure, such as:

  • Meet each other's pets! Take turns introducing your date to the animals you love, whether that's a cat, dog, or even a chicken...
  • Pray together. Plan to pray the Rosary or Stations of the Cross virtually.
  • Show and tell. Go back to grade-school and connect virtually to showcase one item each that is important to you!

If you've already communicated quite a bit, plan a date that will allow you to connect on another level:

  • Take a quiz. There are many insightful temperament quizzes available online. Take the same one and then connect to share the results!
  • Meet each other's friends. Plan a time where both of you will have friends available and add them to your video chat.
  • Host a talent show! Take turns showing off your best talents on video...if you're feeling bold, invite your friends or family to watch.

If you've already communicated a lot, plan a more serious date such as:

For more ideas, see our video for our favorite Virtual Dates!

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