How Do You Show God You Love Him?


"Why can't I find true love?"

When he asked me this question it was obvious he wanted me to give him a realistic answer. He was a faithful Catholic and a successful businessman. I knew him to be pleasant, mannered, and mildly humorous. His soft brown eyes revealed a deep desperation to find his life's partner. I prayed that I would be able to help him discover the mystery of God's plan for him.

Years of conversation had taught me to gather more information before sharing my thoughts. Thus, I gently asked him to share the details of how he had pursued "true love" over the past year or two. He articulated his adventures on various Christian and secular dating sites, his attempted interactions with the matches they produced, and the likely result that started with an initial excitement that ended with a loss of interest. He claimed that he never felt himself click with another human person and that was breaking his tender heart.

With a bit of prompting, he described the longing that he felt being single. He missed having someone with which to share his life's joys and sorrows. He desired to cherish someone; to lavish his attention upon one woman. He wanted to know what it would be like to sacrifice for another. And, he longed for the comfort of resting in silence with someone who totally "got him".

This guy really seemed to understand love as willing the good of another.

He certainly talked the talk that love is much more than a feeling. What was the reason he hadn't found a woman to become his spouse? How could I help him figure it out? Dig deeper. I had to help him dig deeper.

"How is your love life with God? How much do you love God?" I asked. He seemed confused by these questions.

Clearly, he thought my questions were totally irrelevant. He couldn't fathom any connection between one's love of God and one's desire to find a wife. He responded with a slight edge. "If you are asking me if I love God, the answer is yes. I love God. I am a faithful Catholic. I attend Mass. I try to pray when I think about it. I have joined a parish and I do my best to tithe."

"When was the last time you told God that you loved Him?" I asked.

"I don't know. Am I supposed to tell Him that?" Now he really looked perplexed.

I responded that Matthew's Gospel tells us to love God. “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment." (Matthew 22:36)

Mind reading is not my thing, but, it appeared that his brain was grasping the truth within this Scripture passage. He sat in a paused state of contemplation clarifying his understanding of the relationship between divine love and the pursuit of human love.

Several minutes later, he spoke profoundly.

"I don't know how I could have missed the connection between one's love of God and one's ability to love another. If I haven't shown God my love, how can I possibly show it to another person?"

His insight was so powerful; so spot on. It is nearly impossible to keep the second greatest commandment if you haven't met the first. True love in the human world comes from one's sharing in the divine love of God. The more you share yourself with God, the more you can share yourself with a person here on earth. True love begins with God; it flows from Him into your human life.

The rest of our conversation was truly a gift. His desperation evaporated as he shared his new perspective on love. By the end of our time together, this wonderful man appeared to be filled with a heavenly dose of inspiration about finding love in his life.

How can you show God love every day?

How can you connect your love of God with your human desire for love? Consider the following.

  • Think about God all the time. Praise Him. Bless Him. Adore Him. Glorify Him. Begin your day with thoughts of God. Remember Him during the day. Recognize Him when your head hits your pillow at night.
  • Talk with God. Pray unceasingly. Share your joys and your sorrows. Use rote prayers or those you create. Ask God your toughest questions and learn to listen for His response. Give it all to Him.
  • Be in God's presence. Make Eucharistic Adoration a habit. Visit the confessional regularly. Attend Mass as often as possible. Invite God into the silent moments of your life.
  • Tell God that you love Him. Say it out loud. Sing it in the shower. Whisper it in early morning. Utter it at day's end. Lavish your affection on Him.
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