5 Things Every Single, Catholic Man Should Have on Hand


If you ask around, you’ll find out every guy has his own list of essentials.

From tailored suits and fedoras to bourbon and beard oil. But you’re not every guy. Maybe you don’t have a beard, or maybe your beard is perfection, even without the oil. Maybe you never wear suits.

It’s okay, you don’t have to. 90% of awesome, Catholic women really don’t care if you’re suited up or not. Though, if you do wear suits, 100% of Catholic women want you to make sure it fits well; this isn’t the era of baggy business-wear.

With all the divergent opinions on male-necessities, there are a few that stand out. They’re universally applicable, undeniably attractive, and oh-so-practical.

1. Knife

Don’t bring it on airplanes, and unless you look like a mountain man, don’t wear it in a sheath at your side. But definitely have a knife on hand to cut through all the messes life sends your way. Whether it’s potatoes or packaging.

Knives help you open that gift from dear Aunt Dolores who uses way too much tape. They help you evenly divide the take-out your date ordered, but just can’t finish on her own. A knife on-hand just makes you feel (and honestly, be) ready for anything.

2. Rosary

When Mary specifically comes down to say “Pray the Rosary”, it’s good to listen! While you can definitely pray on your fingers in a pinch, it’s nice to have a familiar rosary nearby. Your rosary might be a knotted bracelet a’ la 1997, or it might be made of tiny skull beads that help you meditate on death. It might have belonged to your grandmother 50 years ago.

Whatever style of rosary you choose, keep it with you and use it often. Everyone loves a devout man, especially when he’s confident enough to practice his faith publicly. Most importantly, you’re building a great relationship with the Mother of God.

3. A Pencil (or Pen)

The writing implement you chose depends a lot on your line of work, and your preferences. My husband always carries a pencil because he’s an artist and a builder. Pencils work best for quick sketches, marking measurements on lumber, and quick, erasable notes. Keep a pen if you’re more likely to fill out forms or sign checks than cut up two-by-fours.

With a pencil or pen in hand, you can draw a quick map for that pretty girl at the coffee shop and write down her number while you’re chatting!

4. A Sewing Kit

Now, you may be thinking “I don’t sew, I’m never going to use this” but when the middle button falls off your shirt right before a big date (or meeting), you’ll wish you’d packed a needle and thread. White and black thread, a small needle, and a button or two is all you need.

If you work in construction, add a tiny bottle of rubbing alcohol, in case you cut yourself and need to stitch up a wound quickly (seriously). If you wear a lot of red or blue, tuck some of that thread in as well. With a sewing kit in the glovebox, you’re more than ready for that awful, everything-goes-wrong day.

5. Corkscrew or Bottle Opener

As GK Chesterton once said, “In Catholicism, the pint, the pipe, and the Cross can all fit together.” Be ready to celebrate feast days, engagements, and all of life’s joys at a moment’s notice.

Whether you drink alcohol or not, being able to open a bottle for friends is an act of hospitality. Having a corkscrew on hand makes it easy to plan impromptu picnics and parties. There’s nothing more attractive than a good, hospitable, Catholic man, with joy in his heart.

No matter what your style or work day looks like, these five items will make daily living easier, more enjoyable, and even a bit more attractive! The world is an exciting place, and it’s better to be ready for anything with a few daily essentials. Once you’ve got the basics on hand, you can decide whether beard balm or a stunning, fitted vest should be on your list of ‘essentials’ as well. I’m in favor of both, but the choice is all yours!

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