3 Marian Devotions for Turbulent Times


We live in uncertain times.

Sometimes daily life can feel exhausting. The pressures of trying to build a life, find someone to share it with, and stand strong in your faith against an onslaught of attacks both within the Church and without, is intense. It can feel lonely, but you’re not alone.

There is always Mary, the Mother of God, our Mother. In the tough times, we often grab our rosary beads and reconnect with her. But the rosary isn’t the only Marian devotion available to us.

The Blessed Virgin knows that different people are nourished in different ways. She’s reached out to us in so many guises. Some of them are especially made for turbulent times. We've forgotten many of these devotions in recent times; maybe we should start remembering!

1. The Three Handed Virgin

When St. John of Damascus had his hand cut off by an angry ruler, he prayed to the Blessed Virgin to restore it. It was the middle of a violent controversy in the Church and the saint needed both his hands to continue his defense of the faith.

He asked, and Mary answered his prayers. His hand was restored as he slept before an Icon of the Virgin. In thanksgiving, St. John made a silver hand and hung it on Mary’s image. Ever since that time, many images have been made of the Mother of God and Her Son with a hand around her neck or a third hand emerging from the folds of her robe. She is the patron of the overwhelmed, those experiencing trials and persecutions, and with St. Jude, impossible causes.

In this time of pain and controversy in the Church, the Three Handed Virgin is an especially powerful intercessor. As in the time of St. John of Damascus, our own age is full of conflict and discouragement. But the Mother of God is an abundant healer, she can repair even the most severed hearts and restore us all to unity in Christ.

Having confidence in you, O Mother of God, I shall be saved. Being under your protection, I shall fear nothing. With your help I shall give battle to my enemies and put them to flight for devotion to you is an arm of Salvation. Amen

2. Our Lady of Herbs

The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on August 15 is one of the biggest feasts of the Church. Traditionally, the faithful brought bundles of herbs to the Church on this feast day to be blessed and used throughout the year.

Once blessed, these herbs were used in teas and tinctures, hung over the altar, or burned in the stove to drive away evil. Herbs like chamomile, yarrow, roses, lavender, and rosemary were especially popular.

The blessing of Herbs on the feast of the Assumption gave Mary a special role in protecting the health and homes of her children. Our Lady of Herbs became an affectionate title for the Mother of God who entered into daily life to guard and heal. In these troubling times, when our daily lives are often painfully lonely and full of uncertainty, developing an intimacy with Our Lady of Herbs can be a comfort. It’s also a beautiful way to reconnect with God in His natural world.

Grant that, wherever these herbs be placed, they may be a potent means against sickness and pestilence, against the poison of serpents and the sting of poisonous animals, as also against the deceits, snares, and machinations of the devil... through the merits of the most Blessed Virgin Mary.

3. Mother Cover

The feast of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God, known informally as Mother Cover, is an ancient devotion to the Blessed Virgin as she appeared in a tenth century cathedral, covering the faithful gathered there with her cloak. The city was on the point of invasion from barbarians, when then Mother of God appeared, praying among the people. She was seen wrapping the church in her veil. The city was saved, and the apparition is commemorated every October 1st.

The devotion to Mother Cover is a devotion to the protecting love of the Mother of God. It encourages us to entrust our fears and anxieties to Mary, especially those relating to civil unrest and persecution. But the Protecting Veil of Mary isn’t just for societal troubles. Over the years, she’s become the patron of singles hoping to build a home and family of their own; and of harsh winters.

For the powerful intercession of Mother Cover, we pray:

“Encompass us beneath the precious veil of your protection; deliver us from every form of evil by entreating Christ, your Son and our God that He may save our souls."

So, if you're looking for a new way to connect with the Mother of God, reach out to her under one of these long-neglected devotions. She is our most powerful intercessor; let's invite her into every aspect of our lives!

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