Read These Bad Dates and Feel Better About Your Dating Life


If you think your dating life is odd, weird, or that it just couldn’t get any worse, here’s some good news! You’re probably doing better than you think.

We asked a bunch of our friends and family for their best stories about bad dates.

Here are several of the responses!

  1. It was a hot day outside, so my date decided to take me wading. Unfortunately, I fell right in! You would think that would be simply a romantic comedy moment, but you see, my pink dress turned transparent! Thankfully, he gave me a jacket to wear so I didn’t have to run around trying to hide my underwear. —Soaked In Embarrassment
  2. My good friend, a detective, met an Arabian oil baron at an airport. They dated for a while, and he lavished her with attention and expensive gifts, including a cruise. Then he asked her to be his wife. His fifth harem wife, to be exact. She declined. —Not A Polygamist 
  3. So I was on a road trip to meet my boyfriend’s family for the first time, and I invited my older sister along for the ride. Unfortunately, I got really sick the day we arrived. My boyfriend began the drive home while my sister gave me some meds. The last thing I remember before passing out in the backseat was my sister saying into the phone, “What’s up with you? ...oh, not much, I doped my sister and threw her in the back of the car.” Not the impression I’d hoped for when meeting the parents. —Not High Just Sick
  4. Back in high school, my now-husband asked me out for the first time. He planned the classic movie date, and we went to see a scary film a classmate recommended. Anyway, the opening credits rolled, and then a flash of lightning lit up the screen for the opening shot in a graveyard. And there on the headstone, was my date’s last name! Talk about a bad omen. —Happily Married To The Gravestone Guy
  5. I was on a first date with a lovely man. We were talking about our hobbies when he looked deep into my eyes and said, “I want to marry you.” I tried to laugh it off but he kept pressing the issue. I was too spooked to go out with him again, and he just couldn’t understand why. —Don’t Put a Ring on a First Date
  6. A gentleman I dated in college wanted to cook me dinner, so I agreed. Free food, right? Turns out, he made me squirrel stew from a squirrel he shot himself. There was still fur in the stew… —Still Hungry 
  7. I asked a lovely lady to have dinner with me. She agreed and I started planning a nice evening. However she texted me a couple days later the ominous phrase: “Can we talk?”  She informed me she had been seeing someone already and they were pretty serious. I asked her why she said yes to the date in the first place. She said, “You seemed so enthusiastic about it, I couldn’t bring myself to say no.” —Unenthused Reject
  8. My two sisters and I attended a dance. At the end of the night, I noticed one sister getting chatted up beside me. I thought, “I’ll turn around so it’s not awkward for her.” So I turned, and lo and behold, there was my other sister on the opposite side, also getting asked for her number! “Well, it would be awkward to walk away now,” I thought. But nobody else was around for me to talk to. So I spent the next five minutes staring at the wall ten inches from my face.  —My Life Is A Series Of Awkward Moments
  9. In high school, I asked my dad if I could borrow his truck to take my date to prom. I proudly walked her to the vehicle and, remembering to be a gentleman, opened her door for her. The car door then fell off and clattered onto the street, leaving a gaping hole into the truck. —Not A Mechanic

Why, you ask, should I read about these strange dates?

Sure, they’re funny, but they’re not helpful. Au contraire, my friend! Humor is one of the best ways to stay positive and stop taking yourself too seriously.

So lighten up, look for the bright side, and don’t be afraid of a bad date. You’ll probably get a good story out of it!

This post was co-authored by Cadence McManimon

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