Whenever I start a new project, I like to begin on the right day.
Sundays or Mondays are ideal, especially if they’re the first day of the month. But whether it falls on a Sunday, a Wednesday, or a Friday (as it will this year), there is no better day to begin something new than the first day of the New Year.
There’s something so momentous about the new year. Everything is fresh and untouched. Everything is waiting to surprise you—even yourself! Even preparing for the new year can become a heady experience. If you’re starting a new diet on January 1st, you may end up ordering all the take-out you’re going to miss between Christmas and New Year’s. If you’re going to start using a planner to keep yourself accountable, you may spend the holidays letting deadlines slide and lounging in bed.
There’s nothing wrong with a little holiday indulgence. If you can switch gears suddenly, then definitely let the last days of this year be a little self-indulgent. I like to mix wintery cocktails (think gin, prosecco, cranberries, and rosemary simple syrup) and spend the short days over-planning, over-thinking, and under-doing. Right before New Year’s, I deep clean my little house (to make my new routine easier!) and then spend New Year’s Eve eating Chinese Takeout and watching Bollywood. It’s perfect, by January 1st I’m longing to actually do something productive.
Other people like to start the new year softly, they ease into their resolutions from New Year’s until Epiphany. They spend that first week as a recovery and preparation time. However you choose to get the new year rolling, make some resolutions that leave the loneliness, isolation, and uncertainty of this year far behind!
Goodbye, old year!
I know that for some of us, this year was actually a pretty good year; but most people have spent the past year struggling deeply with more loneliness and uncertainty than ever before. For singles, lockdown and social distancing have been challenging in ways married couples can never fully appreciate.
But this year is over, and no matter what the new year plans to throw at us, I’m going to greet it with enthusiasm. At least this past year is over and we have a whole year of new beginnings!
So, how can we start this year in hope? How can we build workable resolutions and stick to them? I’ve got a few recommendations for small changes that can help shape a beautiful new year.
Get a good planner!
Bullet journals work well too, and they’re less expensive, but recently, I found myself neglecting my bullet journal because it was just too much work. This year, I found Monk Manual, which was ideal for my slightly unconventional lifestyle and full of reflective questions to help me improve my spiritual, physical, and mental health.
Find a planner that works for you and make a commitment to using it consistently for the first 3 months of the year. If it’s not a good fit after that, try a different one. A good planner can help make your life more intentional. You can keep track of all the little improvements you’ve made, as well as the times you lost your focus. After a while, you’ll be able to see that each month is actually getting you closer to achieving your life goals!
Recharge your style!
No, I don’t have the money for a new wardrobe, you probably don’t either. After the previous years, we’re all tightening the belt a bit. But stepping up your wardrobe doesn’t have to cost anything. Most people have piles of clothes they never wear, whether because sweats and t-shirts have taken over daily fashion, or because we’re all just a little worried about looking too unique.
But this year, dress to impress! Go for the clothes you love, but feel a bit too conspicuous in. This year, let your sense of style truly be your sense of style.
Update your profile.
Now, I’m a happily married woman, but recently, I’ve gotten a good look at a few CatholicMatch profiles thanks to some friends asking for input. I’ll tell you what I told them:
Update, be honest, and write your profile as if you’re actually excited about all you have to offer! You’re an amazing person, and utterly unique. Don’t hide that. Don’t try to “tone down” your funky qualities to make them more palatable. Your profile shouldn’t be barely distinguishable from a dozen others—it should showcase your tastes and abilities. Even if you’re just writing “I like to watch tv”, don’t leave it there. Add a few favorite shows—there might just be another fan of ‘Forever Knight’ lurking around waiting for you!
Build your dreams now!
I know it seems frustrating to start building dreams alone, but jump in! If you’re hoping to settle down as a cozy homemaker someday—make sure your single life reflects that. Learn to bake sourdough, brew kombucha, and keep a tidy house. If you’re longing to homestead in the woods with a loving wife someday, consider getting started, or renting a patch of land and developing some extra skills.
This can be incredibly challenging or it can be extremely simple. Baking bread, building shelves, or just reading good books is a basic and easy way to start working toward your life goals while waiting for the right person to come along.
Hello, new year!
This year, let’s make life beautiful, no matter what. Pick a few small resolutions that help the world see the beautiful, unique person that you are. Make it a goal that by the end of this year, you’ve fallen in love with the person in the mirror. Be proud of yourself! This past year was a rough one, but you came through it with grace and beauty.
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