Five Resolutions Single Men Should Make


Well, the new year is approaching. That means lots of people will soon be starting a gym membership that they’ll use for roughly the first two weeks of the year. In other words, it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions.

You may be asking yourself: “What should I, a single Catholic man, resolve to change this year?” Here are some ideas:

Add in Weekday Mass

If you work a regular forty-hour work week, it can be difficult to get to daily Mass. However, if you can, make a conscious effort to attend at least one non-Sunday Mass each week. It can be tempting to take an “all or nothing” attitude towards Mass: to think that if you aren’t going daily, then it’s pointless to attend any Masses beyond the Sunday obligation.

However, this isn’t the case. Every Mass, as a representation of Christ's sacrifice, has infinite value, and attending even one extra Mass a week will bear great spiritual fruit.

Get a Hobby

Contrary to popular belief, watching Netflix is not a hobby. In the New Year, try to find a fun, mentally stimulating activity that you will enjoy doing throughout the entire year. You might find that you enjoy drawing or painting. You can give home beer-brewing a try. Or maybe you can find an indoor rock climbing venue nearby if you enjoy something a bit more physical.

Find something fun, whatever it is, that you can make a habit of doing for the whole year. (By the way, you’ll automatically be more interesting to most girls when they learn you have a real hobby and don’t just watch TV in your free time.)

Ask More Girls Out

Okay, if you’re already asking out girls pretty regularly, you don’t need to consciously increase this. However, if you’ve been slacking in this area, start asking girls out more. You don’t need to be head-over-heels for them. If you’re attracted to a girl and think there’s the slightest possibility you two might hit it off, ask her if she wants to go on a date. If nothing comes of it, that’s fine; you’ll have gained experience (yes, interacting one-on-one with girls in this way does take experience), and you’ll have paid her a compliment.

Read More Spiritual Works

If you don’t read many spiritual works, then try to start reading them regularly this year. You don’t have to spend a lot of time each day doing this. Just take ten or fifteen minutes a day to read from a book that has a spiritual focus. The Bible is an obvious choice, but there are other options. My Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis and The Spiritual Combat by Lorenzo Scupoli are classics. You can also look for the biography of a saint whom you find interesting and inspiring. Chances are there’s one out there.

Go to the Gym

This might be the most cliche New Year’s resolution ever, but it’s a good one—if done correctly. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which means you should take care of it. Join a gym and come up with a weekly schedule that you can realistically maintain. If working out five days or more a week isn’t sustainable for you, then try going three to four times a week. You don’t need to lift weights every single day to “get gains”.

Make sure you’re exercising at least three days a week, make sure the workouts are challenging but not miserable, and enjoy the physical progress you make, even if it’s slow. (If you do start lifting weights, start off light and focus on improving your form before gradually increasing the weight. The point is to build up your body, not hurt it!)

You don’t have to make all of these resolutions. But give them some thought and prayer, and pick one that works for you. Every new year is a gift from God. Let’s try to make the most of this upcoming gift!

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