Stop Judging Profiles, Start Meeting People


I was out with a friend when her phone buzzed with a notification. She was excited to find out that someone had viewed her online dating profile. She read the note and clicked on the profile—and with just a glance she quickly dismissed the person, saying he wasn't her type.

So much of our activity is making quick judgments, whether we are browsing the movie selection on Netflix, comparing products on Amazon, booking a hotel, or even googling a question. But our mentality has to change when it comes to online dating profiles. People are not things.

A profile is simply a small digital representation of that person and while profiles can be great tools to determine who we want to spend time getting to know, it is important to remember that the profiles are not the people themselves. Profiles do not have a soul or a memory, nor can they love. But the real people behind them have all of that and more.

When searching through online dating profiles remember that each person was made in the image and likeness of God. Remember there is no perfect profile, there is no perfect man or women, and there is no perfect marriage.

So next time you search through online dating profiles or meet someone offline, here are some helpful tips to consider:

Stop judging. Do you make quick judgments about others without giving them a chance? Do you dismiss another person's online profile after just a quick glance? Time to give them a second look.

Stop looking for the perfect spouse. Are you closing the door on your future spouse because of his past? Are you looking for a perfect person that doesn't really exist? It's good to have standards, but it is also important to be open to life's surprises.

Stay active. I know how frustrating online dating can be when no one responds to you, but don't give up hope. Make a commitment to reach out to a new person every week.

Be adventurous in your single and dating life, but don't let it be your excuse for why you won't enter into a committed relationship.

Believe you are lovable. Do you believe you are worthy of love? If not, this could be the biggest barrier to finding your spouse. Why would someone love you, if you don't love yourself?

Change your heart. Look at how you can take advantage of the time you have right now as a single Catholic. Don't let this season pass you by without transforming your heart.Want more online dating tips? CatholicMatch’s guide to online dating will answer some of your most fundamental questions, address some of the more common objections, and encourage you to take a closer look at a tool that has benefited the lives of thousands of single Catholics.

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