God Can Forgive Your Past Mistakes, Even If It Seems Impossible


Many people grow up believing God is angry, temperamental, and emotionally distant, and that He only loves you when you are good. Other people "hope" they are loved by God, but feel unworthy of His love.

If you feel far away from God and uncertain how to have a relationship with him, then on this Divine Mercy Sunday I invite you to find out who God really is.

I recently attended an all-day conference on Divine Mercy. One message that really struck me is the fact that too many people have viewed God through the eyes of guilt and fear. The reason many Catholics are missing joy and peace in their lives is because they don't know God's immense love for them.

When we know and experience the power of God’s love, it transforms our lives and sets a fire burning in our hearts. Understanding who God really is frees us and allows us to be at peace. Today is when we celebrate the immense, unconditional, and infinite, depth of God’s love and mercy!

You're probably wondering how you can experience God's love. Well, today is a powerful day to return to the sacrament of confession. Many people avoid confession because of fear. Or maybe you have gone to confession, but leave out one or two particular sins because you are ashamed.

But God is a loving Father who wants us to know that no sin is too big for Him to forgive—even if you’ve cheated on someone or have had five abortions. In fact, at the conference, a priest shared a story about a woman who had 25 abortions before seeking God’s love, mercy, and healing.

So, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done in the past. What matters is what you do right now and in the future. God can wipe your soul completely clean, and when you know the power of that love and mercy, you will be transformed.

The more transformed by God’s love we are, the more loving we will become to others. It will transform our earthly relationships (family, dating, and especially our marriages) for the better. I'm speaking from experience. An awareness of God's love really does bring our earthly relationships to a whole new level.

So, for anyone who has sin, regret, and years that were "wasted"; for anyone tired of living in guilt and fear; for anyone carrying around a thousand pound weight on their heart; for anyone tired of life, brokenhearted, abused or rejected; for anyone who feels like they are so bad they could never be forgiven, or for anyone who just needs to know the love of God, Jesus desires to help you and to set you free if you will allow Him. His arms are open and waiting!

Now is the time for mercy! Now is the time for healing and new life—a springtime of new faith! God is reaching out to you todayWill you respond to Him?

Pray to God on this Divine Mercy Sunday like you never have before. Pray for forgiveness, healing, and to have a deeper connection with God.

I am speaking from my own experience. If you follow God with all your heart, you won’t be disappointed. The Lord Jesus is the only one who can give you back the wasted years, heal the pieces of your broken life, and write straight with all the crooked lines and mistakes we make in life. God makes all things new!

Perhaps you already know and fully believe in God’s love for you, and perhaps you have even experienced His immense mercy. Please share this message with everyone, especially those who need God.

Today, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and let everyone know that they are loved—totally, completely, and unconditionally by God. If anyone still doubts it, look at a crucifix. It's the eternal sign of God’s love and mercy poured out for you and me.

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