Your Life is Worth Living


My alarm clock is set to play the radio at 7 a.m. on Sunday morning. That is also the time when the local community channel comes on. Usually they have program organizers on the show to promote a local charity or event. As I lay in my bed I listened to a woman talk about a walk that would raise funds for a 17-year-old that had recently taken her own life and no one knew why.

Suicide. This is a topic that we don’t often talk about. It is uncomfortable and painful and we think our friend or child would never struggle with that decision. But the reality is, it happens.

Teenagers are passionate and often ego-centric and think the whole world is going to end if things don’t go the way they planned. One of my younger cousins posted on facebook: “My life is over. My father just took away my ipod. How will I survive this car ride?”

Or another cousin recently posted, “Grounded forever.”

But it is not just teens who battle negative thoughts. Many adults struggle with depression, feeling worthless and sensing that they are all alone.

During Mass I thought more about that woman on the radio and the pain I could hear in her voice. I thought maybe the Holy Spirit was leading me to write about the sadness of suicide.

I thought about how hard it can be for single Catholics trying to live out their Catholic faith. I thought about those singles who don't have family members or don't have a good network of friends. We desire more to life. We desire to be married and have a family of our own. We desire to be loved ... but sometimes feel very unlovable.

If you are going through hard times and having thoughts of taking your own life, talk to a professional and get help today. Find a Catholic counselor in your area. Talk to your parish priest or friends and family about what you are struggling with.

If you feel like no one can understand your pain, look to the Cross. God understands suffering. His heart aches for you and he wants to give you comfort.

A story that gives me much consolation is the poem, "Footprints in the Sand."

Lord, “why when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?” The Lord replied, “The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, is when I carried you.”

God is with you when you suffer. Even when you feel like your life is not worth living, know that you have a purpose and your life has so much meaning.

God gave you life. When he said, thou shalt not kill, he meant your own life too. Your body is a temple, not meant to be destroyed. Your life has a purpose, of course it does! Talk to God in your pain. The Immaculate and Sacred Heart of Jesus ache for so much love of you.

This article is adapted from

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