It's Official: I'm On CatholicMatch!


In my year of blogging for “Faith, Hope & Love,” the official blog of CatholicMatch, I have read countless success stories of couples who took a risk, completed their profile and found love on this site. I read each and every story intently and marvel at how a simple emotigram or message can change the course of one’s life.

Once a skeptic of online dating, I now believe that sites like CatholicMatch can work, but I never once thought it could work for me.

On a recent road trip, one of my longtime friends questioned my apprehension about making the switch from CatholicMatch blogger to CatholicMatch member.

“When it’s the right time, I will just know,” I assured him.

Two days later, CatholicMatch extended the invitation for me to fully join the site as a member and blog about my journey.

God might as well have taken out a billboard on the freeway that said, “Jessica, it’s time.”

While I knew this was the step I needed to take, I wanted to be sure I was joining CatholicMatch completely available to whatever was to come my way. I prayed. I reflected. I closed one door on a relationship that should have been fully closed months ago. I drafted my profile details (it’s more difficult than you think!) and selected photos to upload.

So here I am on CatholicMatch as Jessica-744973, wholeheartedly surprised to be here yet trusting that I was meant to be here all along.

Journey with me as I delve into the world of online dating and explore what works and what doesn’t and how to use the many tools on this site. I’ve promised myself that I will set aside my checklist and my doubts and approach this process with an open mind and, most importantly, an open heart.

So if you’re a 20-something guy with a love for baseball, people watching or '80s music, shoot me a note. What’s there to lose?

And don’t worry: I promise I won’t blog about you.

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