A Year Of CatholicMatch Blogging: My Relationship Archive


Nearly one year ago, I began blogging for “Faith, Hope & Love,” the official blog for CatholicMatch. When I signed on for this project, I was concerned that I wouldn’t have the depth of dating experience or enough story ideas to generate six blogs a month. Surprisingly, my year as a CatholicMatch blogger has been filled with an overabundance of blog ideas, not only from the site's 41 forums and the traditional media but my own dating life.

I wrote my recent blog “Don’t Stop Dreaming of ‘Happily Ever After’” on a day I was convinced every person I knew was getting married and leaving me behind, which, in fact, is false. (I appreciated the 10 comments!) I wrote “6 Great Summer Dates” out of the hope that I would someday be able to go on one of those dates.

I wrote “A Lesson from Josh Groban: Don’t Hide Your Heart Away” after one of the most honest relationship conversations I have ever had.

I wrote “5 Tips on Dating in the Midst of Grief” because I, too, was attempting to talk about my family on a first date without immediately moving into emotionally messy territory. I wrote “Desert Times and Solidarity for Single Catholics” mere hours after a painful breakup. And a personal favorite – I wrote “'So, What Are We?’ – The Conversation You Have to Have” following an unexpected text from someone who I should have asked that very question to more than a year prior.

I have experienced both highs and lows in relationships over the past 365 days. I’ve cried more tears than I like to admit, but I have also developed a new depth of peace and stability than I ever have before. I have closed several doors on potential relationships and have also seen doors slammed carelessly in my face, but I no longer question the timing, the purpose or who I am in the process.

When I started blogging for CatholicMatch, I intended to help others through the messy world of dating as a Catholic 20-something.

I had no idea that my own writing and my own words of advice would instead be teaching me to trust and hope through this time in my life. What I first considered as an extra freelance gig has transformed into a personal archive of all that I experienced, which I trust is the foundation to an even better tomorrow.

Editor's note

Award-winning writer Jessica Zimanske has contributed 58 posts to "Faith, Hope & Love" in its inaugural year. Check them out here.

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