How to Tell If a Woman (Really) Likes You


In the beginning of a potential relationship, there is always a lot of guesswork and confusion as both people decide how they feel about one another. Before feelings are verbalized, usually each person attempts to find out if the other is interested. This task is sometimes more difficult for men because women are more emotionally intuitive. Additionally, women tend to be more ambiguous about their feelings and might be harder to understand than men.

Wouldn’t it just be easier if there were foolproof ways to know if a woman likes you?

Well, here are just a few signs that the girl you are talking to might be interested...

1. She welcomes your pursuit!

This one will look different depending on what stage you are at. Did you just meet? Are you friends? Have you gone out on a few dates? Hopefully, at this point, you have made little advances, flirted a little, or given some indication that you are interested.

Her response to these advances will tell you how she feels about you. If she welcomes your flirting, responds with a nice remark, or encourages you, then this is a good sign that she is interested in the pursuit, and she just might like you.

If there seems to be a little bit of discomfort or uncertainty, she is either unsure or uninterested. Be careful not to come on too strong, and take your cues from how she acts and responds. 

2. She invites you to events with friends or family.

This can be a really easy way for a woman to get to know someone better without going out just yet. If she lets you know that some friends are getting together, and you’re welcome to come, this is a clear sign that she wants to spend more time with you.

Sometimes, in the early stages, this invitation is not even well thought-out; she just wants to see you more. It may not be a direct sign that she is telling you to ask her out, but it definitely means she wants you around, and it is a very good indicator that she is at least interested. 

3. She remembers the little details...

Women are very good at picking up details about people here and there just by observing. If she ever seems to know more about you than you thought, this can be a sign that she is paying more attention to you than to others.

Does she remember when you mention a movie that you like?

Did she bring up your family even though you only talked about them once?

Also, if she has been asking questions, that alone doesn’t mean she likes you, but it is a good sign if she remembers the answers and brings them up later. A girl who likes you will remember the little things!

4. She receives well.

It is very important to pay attention to how she responds to compliments, advances, gifts, or other things she might be receiving from you. If you are in the very early stages, and you notice something nice about her, give her a genuine compliment and see how she receives it.

Of course, sometimes receiving compliments is awkward for some women, so, if she struggles to accept it, don’t think that means she doesn’t like you. Try a different way of communicating how you feel. The five love languages (words of affirmation, gift giving, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service) can be a great way to communicate your feelings in a subtle way.

It is natural for women to receive affection well if it is someone that she likes. It might not always be graceful, but it should be clear whether or not she appreciates what you are offering. If she receives your gift, words, and invitations, she is receiving you. 

Remember, at the end of the day, these are just tips to help. Every woman is different and will express how she feels in a different way. When the time comes, it is important to be clear about your intentions, and you can ask her to be honest with how she feels. Until then, focus on making sure she feels comfortable and communicate how you feel in little ways without going too far too soon.

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