How (And Why) to Slow Life Down


Early this morning, I went for a run. My legs felt heavy and the crisp air stung my lungs. Soon, I just wanted it to be over. What to do? I could have sped up to finish more quickly. Instead, I chose another strategy. I slowed down.

After a few minutes, my legs felt stronger and breathing became easier. And then it occurred to me: sometimes, going slow is the best way to get us where we want to be. We are often in a hurry to reach a destination or accomplish a task. But slowing down has its benefits.

Here are five ways to slow things down:

1. Be present.

Practice being present in the moment. Though there’s satisfaction in reaching the finish line, that’s not where the real joy lies. The joy is in the journey.

If I rushed through my run, I’d miss the charming sight of the shaggy dog yapping at me along the path. The gorgeous slivers of orange sunlight slicing through the clouds. The invigorating feeling of the cold wind on my hot face. Why rush through life and miss all it offers along the way? Be present.

2. Be curious.

One way to slow down and be present is to be curious. It’s good to be focused on a goal, but that focus should not blind us to everything else around us.

Take the time to ask questions. Learn something new. Every challenge is a wonderful chance to broaden our minds and increase our horizons.

3. Be altruistic.

The word altruism comes from the Italian word altrui, meaning “someone else.” When we’re in a hurry, we’re usually focused mostly on ourselves.

Slow down and be aware of others. Get to know a neighbor or coworker. Learn what their concerns and joys are. Take time to serve them as well as yourself. By investing in others, we can slow down to a healthier pace.

4. Be grateful.

There’s nothing like gratitude to remind you how fortunate you are. During my run, I focused on the fact that I’m healthy enough to move at all, and I offered my run up to God as a prayer of thanksgiving.

Recognize and be thankful for the many blessings you have. This will help you slow down and appreciate everything along the way.

5. Be faithful.

We can’t do everything all at once. All we can do is accomplish the next task right in front of us. Do your best with the opportunity right in front of you. One foot in front of the other. The rest will take care of itself.

Whether it’s a morning run or the pursuit of a life goal, we risk burning out if we go too fast. By slowing down, we enjoy a better, fuller life. The finish line will be waiting for us. We’ll get there. But let’s take our time. That’s where life happens.

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