Have you ever gone to a grocery story basically starved, and so you buy the whole store, and then come back home, and nothing you bought really satisfies you? This is one of the issues I see in the dating world. You focus on seeing the person you are dating as this food that is supposed to satisfy all of your desires. So we act like maniacs on the dating scene.
We walk into a a sea of options and a bunch of dating sites, and because we are hungering for love, we grab everything and don't really invest yourself in that experience. In other words, we can sometimes treat people like a product that will satisfy all of our desires, when the only person who can actually do that is God.
We are so picky, we think we can just go up to a screen and order, pick what we want, pay at the first window, and pick up our dream date at the second window. Well, that is not how dating and relationships happen. We need to get rid of our fast food mentality. Real dating is not fast food microwaveable in a minute. Real dating is a crock pot. You put in the ingredients, then let it simmer and sit while you discern, "is this right for me?"
Three tips to keep in mind
1) Be comforted that God will satisfy your hunger.
2) Don't be picky. It is not helpful. If you are picking all the flaws out of other people, pick out the plank in your own eye.
3) Be more patient with the process of dating. The options are endless, but it is dangerous to always be looking for something better. Sometimes you have to stick with one date. Get to know him or her as a person, not as a product that will satisfy everything you want. Your date may not be your future spouse, but instead may be an instrument God uses to help you with some of the loneliness for now.
Remember, God helps us, even us picky daters, to find the love of our life.
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