Why do some people get more messages than they can respond to and some people get barely any?
Does it have to do with attractiveness? Age? Athletic abilities? What is it about some people that makes everyone want to gravitate in their direction? And what can I do to become that person drowning in messages?!
This question is one we hear a lot in customer service. And we've discovered a few tips that will help you start getting more messages right away! So here goes.
1. Smile!
Whether you love or hate your smile, showing some teeth in your profile photo makes you look approachable. When you need to ask someone a question, are you going to approach the person who looks like they don't want to be there or are you going to approach the person with the warm, welcoming smile?
2. Change your profile photo often.
When you have the perfect picture, it's hard to switch things up. I get it! The lighting is warm; your hair is perfect; that photo is your identity. There are a LOT of people on CatholicMatch and I don't know about you, but when I search, I'm looking for some fresh faces. If you've had the same profile photo for too long, people are going to start recognizing you and they're going to keep skipping over your profile.
By updating your profile photo, people are going to come to your profile to see what else is new. If they weren't compelled to write to you the first time, they may have a change of heart when they revisit your profile.
3. Sign in every day.
When someone sees that you haven't been active in a few days (or worse, in weeks!) they probably aren't going to take the time to write a message. Nobody wants to send a message and wait for days at a time to receive a response. Instead, they're going to contact someone who is online now or has been online within the past 24 hours.
4. Don't be afraid to make the first move.
Too often I hear "he viewed my profile and didn't message me, so he must not be interested." Have you ever viewed profiles on your lunch break or in a waiting room? Have you ever struggled to think of what to say in a first message so you didn't send anything at all? We've all been there! Don't take the chance that he'll find someone else before he has a chance to contact you. Break the ice and let him know what you like about him!
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