Why Did Pope Francis Call a Synod & Why Should You Care?


Last year Pope Francis announced that in October 2014 there would be an Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on topics related to the family and evangelization.

You are probably thinking: what is a synod? 

The Vatican website explains that "the Synod is an assembly of bishops from around the world who assist the Holy Father by providing counsel on important questions facing the Church in a manner that preserves the Church's teaching and strengthens her internal discipline."

And maybe now you are thinking, why should I care?  

This synod isn't just a time for the bishops to get together to discuss lofty theological matters, but when a synod is "extraordinary"  it means there is an important topic that requires a "speedy solution" (Code of Canon Law, 346 §2) and needs "immediate attention for the good of the entire Church" (Order of the Synod of Bishops).

So what needs immediate attention?

The topic of this extraordinary synod is: "The pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization."

And now I know you are thinking: What does that mean? 

Back in June, the bishops got together to discuss, what are the major challenges facing the family today? They put together all of their comments into a document, which outlines the topics that will be covered at the Extraordinary Synod.

At the Vatican Press Conference, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, explained that one of those topics is "pastoral challenges inherent in the family" which includes the importance of pastors helping engaged couples prepare for marriage so they can build their family on a firm foundation of faith.

So now you are probably thinking: so what does this have to do with me?

Well, in a senseeverything.

The Church recognizes the decline in marriage and the reality of the increasing number of Catholic singles who want to get married. During this synod the Church wants to clearly communicate the beautiful teachings about marriage and the family—and therefore help the faithful to be strengthened in their current marriages and in their discernment of marriage.

"These topics are very important to the CatholicMatch Institute because we not only want to help Catholic singles get to the altar, but we also want to support Church leaders in marriage and family life offices," says Brian Barcaro, founder of the CatholicMatch Institute. "I hope the bishops have discussions that lead to real practical ideas for creating a more friendly and engaging environment for marriage. This is exactly why the CatholicMatch Institute exists, we strive to provide practical means to increase sacramental marriages through purposeful dating and more engaging remote marriage preparation. We will be paying close attention to the topics of this synod because it relates directly to the resources we put together to help single Catholics better discern dating and marriage."

And that is why I am so thrilled to tell you about our collaboration with Hot Air's senior editor and correspondent, Ed Morrissey who will be in Rome for the Extraordinary Synod providing exclusive coverage for the CatholicMatch Institute.

"I am very excited to partner with CatholicMatch Institute on this project," said Morrissey. "What better audience for this coverage can there be than Catholics who are so focused on their future family life, and for those who want to better inform their parishes of the Church's teachings on these subjects? CatholicMatch Institute's mission fits directly into the outcome of the Synod and the Vatican's search to more fully embrace both mercy and justice."

Ed Morrissey will be providing up-to-date coverage of what the synod reports on marriage and family life.

"The vigorous debate within the Catholic Church on family issues and mercy will have large ramifications, not just within the Church but also in the larger American culture," said Morrissey. "Too often, though, the debate gets seen through specific political prisms and media distortion, which makes having a New Media presence at the Synod all the more important. I found this to be very true during the Papal Conclave, and given the stakes involved in the Synod, it will likely be even more true now. I am excited to bring these debates to readers more directly, as well as report on the events, context, and atmosphere at the Synod."

The dates of the Synod are October 5-19, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and visit CatholicMatch.com/Synod every day to see special articles, photos and videos of Ed Morrissey's analysis from the Vatican.

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