What Should I Do If Someone Doesn't Respond to My Message?


Unfortunately not everyone you contact is going to respond, and that's okay.

It's very normal, and it's important not to take it personally. There can be any number of possible reasons, and you'll probably never know for sure.  Some people may be less focused on online dating as they are busy in their lives, and so they never respond.

On top of that, many people choose not to respond to your message instead of replying to tell you that they aren't interested. It is less hurtful to not know why someone didn't respond than it is to hear, "Thanks for your message but I'm not interested in you." Ouch. That hurts.

While you can't force anyone to respond, there are some things that you can do to give yourself the best possible chances of receiving a response.

  1. Keep your first message short and sweet, but make sure that you're being personable and leaving them with something to answer. Don't repeat things that they'll read in your profile, but instead focus on what you saw in their profile that piqued your interest. Then, make sure that you ask a meaningful question or two so that they'll have an easy place to begin when responding.
  2. Make sure that you're casting a wide net by contacting several people. That way, you aren't stuck waiting around for that one person who may or may not respond. This ensures that you're getting the most out of your subscription and brings you that much closer to meeting your match.
  3. Don't be afraid to send a follow up message. If they received a lot of messages or weren't able to sign in for a few days, sending a follow up message brings your message back to the top of their inbox and reinforces the fact that you're really interested.
  4. Make sure that you have several photos in your profile. The majority of online daters won't message anyone without a photo. It gives the impression that the photo-less person has something to hide or isn't being so honest in their profile. Plus, having photos really helps trigger that initial "spark" in early conversations.

Keep messaging!

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