I've Been Blocked!
"I was blocked again! What is it with people? I just sent one emoticon!"
Does this frustration sound familiar to you?
CatholicMatch users have the option to block other users. This tool can come in handy, particularly if someone feels harassed by another user.
If you feel harassed, do not hesitate to block a user and report him or her to the CatholicMatch support team. However, some people use the blocking function as a way to simply say "I'm not interested."
Don't take blocking personally
People block for many reasons. Perhaps they have received a ton of birthday messages today, and are tired of them, or maybe they are dating someone and don't have time to respond to your message or emoticon to let you know that.
Let's look at an example. Perhaps Tricia is very interested in Joe, and she messages him a few times. Joe decides that he is not interested in Tricia.
Joe does not want to lead Tricia on, so he blocks her to say that he is not interested.
In Joe's eyes, he wanted to relay his disinterest clearly. But Tricia is hurt, because in her eyes, she didn't do anything to warrant the harsh response of being blocked.
In an offline, real world scenario, Joe might avoid encounters with Tricia or just flat out ignore her to get his disinterest across. In an online situation, Joe sees blocking as an efficient way to make his point.
Blocking is a tool
The blocking tool helps protect users from issues spanning from simple unwanted attention, to more serious cases of harassment.
Some people use blocking simply as a way to express disinterest. Others might block a member if they are offended by something that has been said.
It may sometimes seem unwarranted, or harsh, but don't take being blocked to heart! Know that, for whatever reason, the other person is not interested, and move on.
FAQ about Blocking
How do I block someone?
Click here for instructions on how to block someone.
If I block someone, can they ever be unblocked?
Yes, they can! Click here for instructions.
How do I report someone who has messaged me something inappropriate?
Reporting is simple. Click here for instructions.
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