Ever heard of a gift guide based on how long you’ve been dating someone?
If not, here's exactly the one you need!
Sometimes it’s hard to come up with a gift for someone you haven’t dated that long, you are still figuring one another out and learning about your likes and dislikes. It can even be difficult to buy a gift for someone else at all, regardless of how long you have been together, if gift-giving isn’t a strong love language for you.
Below are some ideas for men and women, based on how long you have been dating. They range from a few months to multiple years. Some have specific links, and others helpful leading questions to get your thoughts going in a helpful direction.
Before buying anyone a gift, ponder these questions...
Questions to ask yourself:
What hobbies is she/he interested in doing more of?
What is her/his love language, and how could you frame a gift in that direction?
Is there something you two love to do together that could be made a special occasion?
How does she/he show affection, and how could you frame a gift in that direction?
Is there a pastime she/he would pursue given the opportunity? Could you offer that opportunity as a gift?
Once you've thought about the answers to these questions, explore the guide below based off of how long the two of you have known each other!
Dating 0 to 6 months:
A framed photo from a particular memory you’ve had so far
Matching socks or matching hats
A special home-cooked multi-course meal
A board game for 2+ people that you could play together and with friends
Matching rosaries
A special date night spent doing a hobby or activity they love
A book for both of you to read together
A stocking filled with candy
Dating 6 to 12 months:
Tickets to a concert for a band you both (or they in particular) love
A milk frother for a coffee lover
A wine chiller for a drink lover
A basket of items for a special date… think: picnic basket stocked with everything
An article of clothing they could use
Passes to a museum, zoo, or other local attraction
A plant or piece of art
Dating 1 to 2 years:
A cookbook that you can cook through together
A Mass said for their intentions
Jewelry or a watch
A small air fryer
A calendar with photos of the two of you
A prayer corner kneeler
A subscription service for a favorite hobby… think: candles, cheese, meat, music, etc!
And a HUGE, IMPORTANT reminder… that no matter what gift you get the person you are dating, the purpose of it to show that they are loved, and your gift is an example of that.
At the end of the day, it is not about how much money you did or didn’t spend, or how fancy it was wrapped. Christmas is ultimately Jesus’ birthday, and He loves us so deeply.
How can you show your partner that they, too, are loved, especially by you?
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