Our 10 Favorite Dates for Winter


There’ll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and caroling out in the snow…

Or so the song says. But are those your only options—I mean, aside from walking in a winter wonderland, building a snowman, and naming him Parson Brown? I hear he does snow weddings when he is in town.

Here are 10 different options for winter to stir up some cozy romance and build your connection with your significant other.

1. Picnic indoors.

Don’t just carry your plates from the kitchen to the living room and call that a picnic. Pack a picnic basket with the sandwiches and sliced up fruit and cheese, a thermos of cider, and all the goodies. Bring a blanket and have a proper picnic, but inside. Extra cozy points if this takes place next to a fireplace or with a big window to view the cold world outside.

2. Christmas lights!

Full tank of gas, full thermos of coffee, Christmas playlist on your Spotify. Go!

3. Hiking.

Yeah, yeah, you thought this was a summer activity. Well, some of the best hikes I have taken have been in winter. Pack that thermos with some hot soup, bring along a crusty loaf of bread, and maybe a flask of whiskey. Find a place with a view and it will be the best date of the season.

4. Mass.

The winter is full of extra opportunities for worship (including several holy days of obligation!) and these can be the starting point of a great date. These “extra” Masses are a wonderful time to try out a new parish or even a new rite (have you been to a Maronite, Byzantine, or Anglican Ordinariate Liturgy? All in full communion with Rome and stunning in their own way!) and afterward you can get coffee or take a walk and enjoy the lingering grace of the Mass.

5. Arcades.

You enjoyed them as a kid. Maybe a winter day too cold to be outside is the perfect time to find a local arcade and see if you can win some tickets! Maybe you can buy or win your date a teddy bear!

6. Cheesy movies.

This time of year it seems like we are more open to things that are a bit on the corny side. And that’s OK! Lean into it! Might be the time to pop in that Hallmark movie, that romcom, or the cult classic from your childhood. Cheesy movies are great movies to laugh and cry to and make for good cuddle time.

7. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane.

A cold winter day with no place to go is the perfect time to get out the family photo albums or home movies. Let’s see how sweet she looked on her first Communion. Take a giggle at the day he learned to ride a bike. These can be sweet times of bonding as stories will inevitably be told and you will learn more about your partner, where they come from, and what makes them tick.

8. Drive-In Movie.

Perhaps thanks to the pandemic and social distancing, Drive-in movies are making a comeback. There is something so fun about picking up some takeout, packing a blanket, and watching a movie with strangers in a field. Often these revival outdoor theaters show classic movies, which are so exciting to see on the big screen!

9. Visit a Shrine.

It may take a bit of research if you aren’t in the know, but chances are there is a holy site or two within driving distance. Take a chance to explore the area, visit a shrine/chapel/cemetery, say some prayers together. Venerating relics together can be not only spiritual bonding, but charming and memorable, inviting the intercession of that saint or martyr.

10. Old School Dinner Party.

Throw a dinner party, inviting another couple or two to join you. Go complete old school with cocktails (like an Old Fashioned or Sidecar), vintage menu (pot roast or roast chicken), dessert (a classic like pudding or Bundt cake is perfect), and follow it up with Brandy and cards (like pinochle, bridge, or cribbage). Feel free to dress the part, too!

Although winter may not be your favorite season (because of weather, work, or stress) it is a great time to make deeper connections and get to know your partner better. Have fun—but if Parson Brown tries to perform a wedding in the meadow, remember it’s not sacramental.

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