There's a lot to consider when filling out a CatholicMatch profile. Here are the pieces of your profile that tend to influence a first impression, according to fellow members.
- "No. 1, I read a profile and I like it. No. 2, I usually scroll to the number of siblings in the family. No. 3, I jump to see where they have lived and traveled." -Rebeca
- "When reading someone's page, the first portion that I first venture to is the 'summary' or description, which this person has written in their own words. This is the most important element of someone's profile because it allows me, and anyone who ventures by, a bit of a deeper glimpse into the individual behind the photograph." -Dominick
- "I first read their comments about themselves – their likes, their hobbies, and what matters to them. I know this is a Catholic website, but if they don't make a comment about their faith in that top portion, I don't usually read on because in my head if they didn't mention it it must not be that high on their list. Sorry, guys, I might be way wrong on that, but that is how I decide. Then I look to see if they did the 'What I'm Seeking' portion. I want to see if I even remotely resemble what they hope for. If those two things seemed pretty good then I start looking at whether they are willing to travel or have a long-distance relationship. If that is a possibility then I am usually trying to find something witty to comment on." -Loretta
- "I usually just look at the quick view, age, status, and how many out of 7 they answered, then I look to see where they live and what they do for a living." -Mary
- "The first thing I look at is the photo. I am drawn to a woman who smiles, not so much to a woman who doesn't. To me, smiling tells me a few things: confident, comfortable, relaxed, happy." -Patrick
- "I like to see what they like to read, who their favorite saints are, and their favorite music/musicians/song. Then I look at height. I have to. I'm 5'8". I've dated men who are shorter than I am, and it's not a problem for me, but I kinda want to spend the rest of my life with someone whose shoulder I can lean against – literally as well as figuratively." -Damaris
- "I would say it's pretty simple. Did you take the time to create it and flesh it out or did you just throw it up there. I look for depth. Do we have similar interests? What is your relationship like with your family? Does anything about your profile interest me?" -Mark
- "After approving of their profile, I like to look at their family stats, if they talk to their family much, how many siblings they have. I'm an only child, so while I don't care if the guy is an only child, I have always wanted to know what it would be like to have siblings. Then I check on how often they attend church, though it's not a deal breaker. I know I can't always make it to Mass every week due to my job, but that doesn't mean I don't want to and/or try to go when I can. Favorite hymns usually goes along with that, as I've been cantoring at my church since I was 10. I then check where they've lived and/or traveled. My list of places I've lived is ridiculously long, so I'm naturally curious." -Danielle
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