As a single person, it’s natural to do many things alone. We go about our daily lives in sync with own schedules – from grocery shopping to family functions to Sunday Mass.
In addition to these everyday events, it’s the quiet weeknights in the apartment, the solo road trips and the wedding invites for one that remind us that it’s just us against the world. It can be encouraging to know you are fostering your independence and developing the skills and traits that will benefit your future relationships and ultimate marriage.
But let’s face it, being single is lonely.
Tomorrow we embark on the season of Lent. We have 40 days to not only strengthen our relationship with Christ our Savior but also to strengthen our belief in the promise that God will provide the very person we each long for. It can be a lonely journey, but Lent offers us the chance to rededicate ourselves to the call God has on all of our hearts. We may not understand His timing or His purpose, but we can learn to trust in the path He has laid before us.
God promises to walk the difficult path of single life beside us. He holds our hand as we face each day, each task and each event. As ashes are placed on your forehead, find renewed hope and peace in your call from God, whatever that may be.
Jesus roamed the desert for 40 days, questioning His purpose and the extraordinary mark He was to leave on humankind, but He emerged stronger, despite the temptation to abandon the call God has set on his life.
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,” Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew.
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