5 Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day That Might Surprise You


I never dated anyone who was overly romantic or great at planning dates, so I've never really had an over-the-top mushy Valentine's Day. Part of me preferred not being the center of attention and have someone make such a fuss, other times I secretly hoped someone would take that extra effort and thoughtfulness.  So take heart (pun intended) if you have never had those experiences, either, because here's my plan to have the best Valentine's date ever this year.

Here's five ways to celebrate Valentine's Day differently:

  1. Worship as a gift of love. My husband is taking our parish's middle school youth group to a holy hour and benediction this Valentine's Day. Instead of simply having a party, talking about love, or reading about love, he's giving the kids real life application of love by reminding them how to use their bodies to love God through worship during a holy hour. Instead of focusing on who is loving us, we're reminded of how much we love God—and how to show Him with our actions. Worship is an important aspect of our faith, and we often push it aside in order to pray for our own petitions. Let us not forget to adore and praise Him. No one else is more worthy of our love, time, and attention than God.
  2. Sing the Song of Songs. The love God has for us should make us want to sing it back to Him—so my husband and I sing together when he leads the music for holy hours as often as possible. As a married couple, we're a physical witness to God's love for humanity, especially as we pour back out prayer, song, and worship for God together in public. No one else has sent their Son to die in your place. No one else can offer an eternity of love. Sing back gratitude to God for this great love, regardless of your marital status. He first sang the Song of Songs to you, now sing them back to Him.
  3. Learn from the Author of Love. We can do no better than to appeal to the author of love to teach us to be better lovers and more charitable to everyone we meet by spending more time in prayer. As we look at the humility of God in the Eucharist, we're reminded of the totality in sacrifice that real love requires. Are we willing to lower and humble ourselves before God the way he has taken on our humanity and shown us unparalleled humility? He will teach you, if you just make yourself available to Him.
  4. Transform our hearts. It's easy when we're making a quiet adoration hour to let our thoughts turn inwards and focus on ourselves and run into a circle of endless self-pity and requests. By spending an hour singing to God and worshiping Him, we're using our hearts to love him, however insufficient they are. Only God has the ability to take the imperfect gifts we offer Him and make them perfect through His divinity. No one else has the power to transform our love in this way. Dedicate this one hour to the Lord, bring him your heart, empty of all desire, but for Him alone. Set aside all your earthly cares just to marvel, wonder, and adore Him.
  5. Creations are no substitute for our Creator. This is a meditation we must remind ourselves every Valentine's Day, especially while single or divorced. Spend at least four minutes just staring at the Eucharist. Build intimacy with God. No other relationship or tokens of love will leave you as satisfied.

Instead of being frustrated or disappointed about gifts not given this Valentine's Day, whether that be a date, a spouse, a child, or simply a card or chocolates, let's remember the greatest gift that God has already given us, the gift that no one can ever measure up to: His Only Son. Every other token of love that's given us—flowers, perfume, detailed planned dates—all pale by comparison with our Creator's love. They're mere shadows of His love, mere tangible goods that will pass with this lifetime. Let's celebrate the love within our grasp today—the love that is patiently waiting for us, the love that does not seek it's on interests, the love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, the love that never fails (1 Corinthians 13).

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