20 Valentine's Day Date Ideas


Whether you're new in a relationship, long-term, recently engaged, or long distance, here is a list of date suggestions for Valentine's Day.  Feel free to keep it as simple or as elaborate as you want. If you're new to dating each other, I'd suggest keeping it low key until you get to know one another better. Pick one of the date ideas that would best facilitate conversation. If you're engaged, be sure to pick something relaxing and fun. If you've been dating a while, be confident in your relationship, and try something new. For your convenience, I've split up the list of date ideas for those who can be together and those who can't. Either way, dress up for the occasion!

Date ideas for long distance couples:

1. Find a restaurant local to your honey that you already know they like, or surprise them with a new place by researching local reviews.  Find out what they're go-to meal is, and have it delivered. If it has to be picked up, see if you can have the server write down a sweet message on your behalf! Reserve a movie at Redbox, Netflix, or Amazon Prime for him/her or watch.

2. Deliver flowers and chocolates. You have your option of ordering through online companies or researching local shops. Include a love poem or song. Write your own with this prompt. Take turns reading poems out loud (it can be sincere or goofy). You can select a variety of chocolates from chocolate covered fruit, truffles, candy bars, baking supplies or hot chocolate, or something homemade!

3. Make a holy hour at the same time to thank Jesus for this special person in your life! Pick out novenas and other prayers that you will say together. Read about St. Valentine! Ask for his intercession for your relationship.

4. Grab some hot chocolate and a blanket, and go out to a field away from street lights so you can star gaze together on the phone.  Download a sky map ahead of time and see which constellations you can identify.

5. Further your intimacy by playing Would You Rather? or Loaded Questions. The games will bring up topics you may not have covered through regular conversation.

6. Take turns watching funny YouTube videos. Ask your friends for their favorites or keep the list of links nearby of your own. Or play Mad Gab together and make your own funny videos!

7.  Write a love letter. A real one. The kind that uses paper and pen. Include a recent photo of yourself dressed up. Then mail it! Or, send a real telegram.

8. Have a karaoke night with super sappy love songs. Add "Love Don't Care" by L'Angelus to your list.

9. Write a love story together. Take turns by choosing 3-5 words at a time.

10. Dollar Store Scavenger Hunt. Send pictures of dollar store items that remind you of your childhood, CatholicMatch, where you first met, your first date, your first kiss together, his/her car, his/her favorite sport, favorite activity, favorite season, etc.

Date ideas if you can be together:

1. Have a chocolate, wine, and cheese tasting party. Decide ahead of time what types you want to try, and make up score cards to rate the various samples. If you can, spend it with other married or engaged couples. Being around solid relationships is always great support, and long-distance couples are always in need of this.

2. Cook a nice dinner together and test your communication skills. Go shopping for the ingredients together. Use your nicest dishes (or borrow them from a friend).

3. Sign up for dance lessons before you travel. When you see each other, practice your new skill set. Dance is a wonderful catalyst for communication!

4. Go ice skating (call the rinks ahead to find the least busy times) or cross country skiing. Carve your initials in a tree. Be sure to warm up by the fireside with adult hot chocolate.

5. If it's too cold to go star gazing outside, check out your local planetarium.

6. Go to an art gallery. Discuss your favorite and least favorite exhibits. Explain why you feel drawn to particular pieces over others.

7. Go vineyard hopping. While it's off season most places, the landscape and scenery can still be pretty in the winter, as well as unpopulated! Find a local winery and ask to have flowers or chocolates delivered or made available ahead of time.

8. Make reservations for dinner at a place or time where children won't be around. It's hard to focus on conversation with screaming children in the background or getting conked on the head with a sippy cup (it's not always my children).

9. Take her to the symphony or ballet. She'll be so impressed by your listening skills!

10. Find a place to go rock climbing (indoor or outdoor). It's exhilarating and helps build trust!

Enjoy your date, and have a happy Valentine's Day!

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