So many people believe that realizing their dreams is defined by the quality and quantity of their earthly possessions. Dream homes are often sought after by following a realtor's simple rule of thumb: "Location, location, location!" I propose a different rule of thumb to attain happiness... "Adoration, adoration, adoration!" Spending time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the surest way to find the things you deem as important in your life: finding a spouse, receiving healing from past relationships, peace in your single state of life. These are things that many single people whose prized possessions are their nice homes do not have.
On June 2, 2013 which is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, you will have a wonderful opportunity to connect with Catholics on a global level and attend Eucharist Adoration as the universal Body of Christ. Pope Francis has designated this date, and 5pm Rome time (11AM EST) on this date as a world-wide hour of Eucharistic Adoration.
From the official Year of Faith web site:
On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Holy Father will preside over a special Eucharistic adoration that will extend at the same time all over the world involving the cathedrals and parishes in each diocese. For an hour, at 5pm (Rome time), the whole world will be united in prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
What a great opportunity this is for all Catholics, but especially for single Catholics seeking direction in their lives and searching for that one man or one woman that God has chosen for them, because it's a way of uniting your prayers and requests with the rest of the Catholic world in a very special way. In my own personal experience, Eucharistic Adoration has always been a beacon of peace and understanding in my life, tethering me to Christ in a way only the Eucharist can.
You can visit the official Year of Faith Calendar here to see all the news about this event and the Year of Faith.
If you are unfamiliar with the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, or would like to learn more about it and what the typical prayers are for this time, you can pick up a copy of the book, Prayers For The Catholic Family, by Jacquelyn Lindsay. In addition to standard prayers for other occasions, this book will give you all you need to make a meaningful hour of Eucharistic Adoration.
Don't forget to send me your questions, comments, or details you know about that I may have missed about this event to
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