You don't have to spend much time dating online to hear about and experience the most common frustrations specific to the field.
Any of these sound familiar?
1. No one messages me!
2. People won't even look at my profile.
3. Men won't ask me out! They just keep messaging without making a move.
4. Women don't respond to my messages; they are too picky.
5. There's no one near me, and I can't date long distance.
6. I never know when it's okay to move conversation offline.
7. No one normal talks to me, only strange people.
8. I don't want to post photos of myself; I want people to get to know me before judging me.
9. Why don't people post photos! I'm not interested if they don't have a photo!
10. I send lots of emotigrams because they are fun and lighthearted, but no one responds.
11. I ignore people who send emotigrams because emotigrams are so childish...use your words!
12. No one's willing to commit because there are too many options available.
We know your pain!
Well, we here at the Institute have heard your frustrations (and many of us have experienced them ourselves). So, we decided to do something about it.
We have gathered tips and best practices over the years from the online dating experts at CatholicMatch, and have compiled them into a video series for you.
The goal of this video course is simple—we want to help you get more messages and more dates.
In the course, we will teach you the common online dating mistakes to avoid, walk you through setting up a profile that is both honest and attractive, and show you how to move offline and how to set up a first date!
We will be releasing the series on January 2nd, so get ready!
Here's a sneak peak of what's to come:
Find Your Forever.
CatholicMatch is the largest and most trusted
Catholic dating site in the world.