Your Will Or God's Will? That Is The Question (Video)


One of the hardest things to do in life is to resign your will to God's, but it's one of the most important and powerful decisions you can make. And resigning your will to God's isn't simply letting go of the control of a situation and giving it to Him to work out, it actually means taking a leap of faith and saying, "Lord, I will be happy with whatever outcome you bring about."

Today's gospel reading is from John 4:43-54 and it addresses this same issue. We read about the royal official who asked Jesus to come to his home to heal his dying son. Jesus did not go with him, but told him his son would live. So the official took God at his word, without proof of the claim. This is such a great reading to contemplate, especially if we find our faith is being challenged. Do you have worries and concerns that are taking over and you wonder if God is going to come through for you?

God tells us He works all things for the good of those who love Him, and He'll do the same for you. But you've got to trust Him and the best way to do that is tell Him you will be happy with whatever outcome He brings about.

When I was going through the annulment process, I had many worries and concerns about the outcome. I knew that the outcome would determine whether or not I would be single for the rest of my life and I knew I had no control over that decision, so instead of driving myself insane with worry, I just prayed a simple prayer: "Lord, I will be happy with whatever you give me." Every time I felt overwhelmed by the fear of the unknown, I said that prayer and moved forward. When my decree of nullity came through, I began a new chapter in my life with confidence because I knew it was God's doing, not mine.

Today's point of reflection is simply to take stock of how much you are worrying and how much you are trusting. Then, for a resolution, make the decision to do something to improve your trust in God. For example, you may want to say the same prayer I did, or maybe something like, "Lord, I believe in you, help my unbelief."

Thank you for sharing this time with me. I hope and pray you are experiencing a fruitful Lent and look forward to the rest of the journey with you. God bless!

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