Why You Should KISS On Every Date (VIDEO)


I go around the country and around world talking about food, faith, and friendship, and my other favorite "F" word, fun. And I know that dating can be sometimes terrifying. Frankly, I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore! Here is one tip I got from my spiritual director, when I was "courting" the church. He said,  Keep It Simple—and not stupid—but Sacred. So, K-I-S-S, Keep It Simple and Sacred.

That was a really important tip for me that I can give to all of you.  Keep your dates simple and also sacred. Why? If God is invited to your dating experience, he will bless it. You might become best friends from the date, or you might become husband and wife. But, if you intentionally invite God into your dating relationship, that will only turn into a blessing in the end.

The Simple part is the hard part. How many of us will spend hours in front of the mirror trying to look good for the other person. That's just you overcomplicating things! I think the simpler we are when we approach things, like having a "drama-free relationship," the better it is going to be.

Make Sure You KISS on Your Next Date

So when you cook for your date the next time, Keep It Simple people! Don't try a new recipe unless you have practiced it before. Address all the simple, clean flavors. Is it savory or salty? Sweet? Sour? Those are the things you want to pay attention to.

The more we try to simplify the food and really focus on the conversation, I think, the better the date is going to be. Why? because you have applied the KISS principle, and kept it simple and sacred.

And again, when you simplify things and invite God to your date, he can transform it into a miracle. So enjoy your date, and don't forget the KISS!


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