From Pinterest To Prayer: Wedding Vs. Marriage Planning

“Friday is bride day.”
I hear that tagline countless times throughout the week as TLC hypes their Friday night marathon of “Say Yes to the Dress” and “Four Weddings” episodes. I secretly hope each week that I can put on my pajamas at an embarrassing hour and cozy up with a glass of wine and four hours of back-to-back wedding mania.
I’ve loved weddings since the very beginning. Even if I was asked to hand out programs, serve punch or another glamorous job at an older cousin’s wedding, I always graciously accepted, secretly cheering at the chance to be a part of the couple’s special day. Now it’s my close friends who are asking me to stand beside them as they say “I do.” From dress fittings to bachelorette parties to creating programs, favors and invitations, I’ve done it all, rejoicing in my friend’s happiness and silently praying that one day that would be me.
I’ve had the opportunity to see what works and what doesn’t, always taking notes for my own future celebration. I’ve known my event colors for years, and I’ve bookmarked venues on my computer to tour at a later date. My newfound Pinterest account has only propelled my wedding planning, as I search for the perfect bouquet and invitation typeface.
The only missing piece of my premature wedding planning has been Mr. Right, which has taken an interesting turn since I joined CatholicMatch last September. Now the groom in the wedding I have conjured in my head has a clear face, and my mental planning has altered accordingly. Those bridesmaid dresses I love aren’t quite as important, and my wedding hairstyle seems like an unnecessary focus. Instead, I’ve been reading through Scripture and wondering how we will someday merge our two lives that prior to September were completely separate.
“Say Yes to the Dress” and “Four Weddings” have taught me how to plan a wedding, but they haven’t taught me how to plan a marriage. In these coming seasons as I dream about life with my very own Mr. Right, I’m going to stop bookmarking and pinning and start praying for the gifts I need to be the best wife I can be someday.
Even though the date is not set, it’s time to start planning for a holy marriage. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, it’s never too early to start preparing for life as a husband or wife. Your future spouse will thank you someday because of it.
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