I never pictured myself to be in my 30s and not married. I thought I would have a spouse to tackle life with, but alas, here I am: on my own, with a degree, a career and my very own bills to pay.
I’m not sure when it happened, but I’m a big girl now with big decisions to make. Whether it is deciding what to have for lunch or picking a financial plan, I need to choose by myself.
Sure, I would rather have a guy in my life to help me cut down the huge vines in my yard, but he isn’t here yet, so I better dig in. It would be great if I had a husband who could teach me how to grill the perfect steak — since I always burn mine — but in the meantime, I better go turn down the heat.
Isn’t raking leaves, picking a movie or grocery shopping more fun with another person? Sure it is, but sometimes we single folk need to sort out everyday tasks on our own.
Although I lament having a single heart, there are definite perks to being the decision maker.
Last semester I decided to take a class two days before it started and I didn’t need to worry about affecting anyone’s schedule.
This summer I have the freedom to travel to Spain with my single gal friends for two whole weeks!
And during my last trip to Virginia my little niece Molly asked, “Mom, why is Aunt Robyn buying red cowboy boots?” My sister responded with a smile, “because she can.”
Single life gives us advantages that we may not have as married persons. This time is a blessing that we may not have for long. But I know what you are going to say: "I would enjoy the single life more if I knew there was an end in sight!"
You're right, it would be nice to know if (sometime soon) I will be married with children, but for some reason God wants me to be single right now. This reality can leave me feeling bitter and sad. It is difficult to understand — when you desire married life and pray for it daily, why God would make me feel so uncertain? We are all called to love, so when will it be my turn? I yell heavenward.
While I wait for God to speak, I realize Lent is the perfect time to focus on the blessings right in front of me.
No, I don’t have any children, but I do have 22 nieces and nephews (with two more on the way!) that I can love and spoil in a way that only a single aunt can do.
Without a husband to devote my time to, I have more opportunities to serve Jesus. I have more time for prayer, daily Mass and even to start a weekly date night with Jesus at Eucharistic adoration.
This Lent how are you deciding to use the time God has given to you as a single person? We are all called to a relationship. Right now God wants your single heart. Will you answer?
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