When Rebekah saw Ross’s profile, it was his proximity that caught her interest. “My first thought was, ‘Oh he’s in Columbus. He’s close; he’ll do!’” laughs Rebekah.
In fact, besides his love of dancing, Rebekah didn’t find his profile all that exciting.
But taking into consideration the fact that he lived only forty minutes away, she sent him a wink and hoped for the best.
This single mom wasn’t having any luck
Rebekah, then 31, joined CatholicMatch because she was looking for a faithful Catholic who would be a good father to her daughter, then 5, and also would make Catholicism the center of their lives. But she wasn’t having success. “While I was interested in many profiles, very few were interested in me—probably because I was a single mother,” says Rebekah.
Ross, 29, wasn't put off by the fact that Rebekah had a daughter. His brother and sister-in-law had adopted eight children out of foster care, so he figured that if they could love and nurture children that weren't biologically their own, so could he.
Ross had made a free profile just five days ago when Rebekah sent him a wink. “I looked at her profile and thought that she was cute. So why not buy a subscription?”
The next day, Rebekah also bought a subscription just to read Ross’s message. “We now have a joke that we each paid sixty bucks for each other,” laughs the couple.
A phone call made all the difference
Rebekah didn’t feel so wishy-washy about Ross after she talked to him on the phone. “I knew after five minutes of talking with him—before we even met in person—that I was going to marry him. He’s just like my brother—very talkative, telling animated stories, and friendly.”
A month after they first winked at each other, Rebekah and Ross went on their first date. From there, the relationship progressed naturally. Once or a twice a week, Ross would visit Rebekah at her parent’s house, where she lived with her daughter.
Rebekah shares that the thing they bonded over most was their Catholic faith. “During our dating, we spent a lot of time at my home parish, St. Leonard’s, at nighttime praying, singing, and playing the piano,” reminisces Rebekah. “I loved our dates at the church.”
Her engagement ring didn't show up on time
Rebekah knew that her ring was supposed to come in on Friday, October 31, 2014, about six months after the couple started dating, but it never showed up. “Ross found out on following Monday that the ring that he purchased didn’t pass quality control, so the ring had to be remade, and wouldn't be shipped to the local store until the end of November,” recalls Rebekah. “I was really bummed, to say the least.”
Thinking that the ring wouldn't be in for another couple of weeks, Rebekah had no inkling that Ross was going to propose.
A musical proposal
On Wednesday, November 12th, 2014, after Rebekah had put her daughter, Alexis, to bed, the couple headed to the church for their regular night of praying, singing, and playing music. “There was a music group there that was just getting finished with their rehearsal, and I sat and talked to them for fifteen minutes or so. I found out later that Ross just wanted me to stop talking and for them to leave,” laughs Rebekah.
After they had left, Rebekah walked over to the piano and started playing and singing “Open the Eyes of My Heart.”
“Ross joined me singing, and it was magical. From that song, I went into the song that I had written for him.”
That's what I am
To Jesus, for bringing you to me
You are my forever friend
My life, My love
The reason that I breathe
I'm so thankful for the pain of missing you every day
I'm so thankful for the love you've given me
I'm so thankful to the Lord for bringing us together
Thank you, Lord
Love, Me
I am so blessed because of you
You are my rock and my strength
You are the one I will love
Forever Amen
You are the reason that I sing
I'm so thankful for the pain of missing you every day
I'm so thankful for the love you've given me
I'm so thankful to the Lord for bringing us together
Thank you, Lord
Love, Me
Loving you feels so right
It keeps me awake at night
I just want you here with me
To look into your eyes
And be held in your arms
And thank the Lord for you
I'm so thankful for the pain of missing you every day
I'm so thankful for the love you've given me
I'm so thankful to the Lord for bringing us together
Thank you, Lord
Love, Me
As she played, Rebekah noticed that Ross was pacing back and forth behind her, and she was
startled when he came to stand on her left side instead of her right where he usually stood while they sang. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him get down on one knee.
“I started freaking out, but I had to finish the song,” laughs Rebekah. After she had finished the song, Rebekah turned to Ross and saw the ring in his hand.
“Immediately, my head dropped into my hands, and I was bawling my eyes out.”
When she looked up, she saw Ross with a smile on his face and a tear in his eye. “Then I heard the words I had been longing to hear for thirty-one years: 'Rebekah, will you marry me?' Through my hysterical tears, I kissed his face, and he said, 'So is this a yes or a
no?' I said, 'Yes!'"
They quickly knelt down in front of Mary, prayed a Hail Mary, and then rushed around to her parents’ and siblings’ houses to tell everyone in person about their happy news.
On May 9th, 2015, Rebekah and Ross were joined in Holy Matrimony. “There were a couple 'surprises' for everyone: we sang our Presentation to Mary song, and instead of the garter toss, Ross washed my feet.”
Scheduling prayer gets us through the hard times
Since their wedding in 2015, the couple says married life has been wonderful, even if it has not been all “wine and roses.” “We love having our best friend by our side all the time,” shares Rebekah.
The couple says they have kept their marriage strong by keeping Christ as the center of it. “Ross and I did a great deal of praying when we were dating and throughout our engagement.
We’ve noticed that, because life happens after marriage, we have to almost schedule prayer time together. But we know that it’s very important.”
One of the things that they have prayed through is a change of job for Ross. “Near the end of December 2015, Ross was given until the end of February 2016 to find a new job that was more suited for him and his talents. One month later, he started a new job which he enjoys and for which he is better suited.”
The situation was made all the more stressful by the fact that Rebekah was 33 weeks pregnant with their second child (Ross’s first), and they had just signed the purchase agreement on a home. “A lot of prayers and St. Joseph got us through that,” says Rebekah.
On February 10th, 2016, Rebekah gave birth to their first CatholicMatch baby, Faustina Agnes. The couple are expecting another baby in March 2017.