The 2019 National Catholic Singles Conference was just announced! It will be in October next year in Nashville! Here are my thoughts and interviews with attendees about the last conference.
I had the pleasure of attending the 2018 Catholic Singles conference in Minneapolis. A big shout out to Anastasia and the organizers from Minnesota who hosted the conference and worked so hard to make it a resounding success. I had misgivings at first about attending. My concerns had to do with the usual questions everyone wrestles with:
- With so many competing interests, is this a wise use of my money?
- Will I meet people in my desired age range there?
- I’m going for my first Singles conference. Is that lame?
As I prayed about what I should do and asked God to guide me, I felt Him saying that I should go.
It turned out to be a fantastic conference. The messages were uplifting and the fellowship was sweet. I made new friends who have continued to stay in touch with me after the conference. I asked them if they would be willing to let me interview them about their experience and they kindly agreed to share their thoughts. Read on and be encouraged.
What were your expectations going in? Did you feel like they were met?
Becky: My expectations were for a similar experience to what I had at the Phoenix conference, where we listened to some inspirational speakers and had opportunities for meeting other Catholics. The conference in Minneapolis exceeded my expectations in that I came out feeling spiritually nourished, and I had many more meaningful interactions with other Catholics.
Rob: Since this was my third conference, I did have a basic understanding of what to expect. However this conference exceeded my expectations. There was far more opportunity to socialize with the various pre and post events offered. The people I met were the best. Very warm and open.
Dan: I was expecting it would be a good time and I was looking forward to meeting people I've known through CatholicMatch. I was also expecting a spiritual element to the conference. I feel like the expectations were far surpassed. There's no way I could have known the wonderful things God had prepared.
Monique: I was hoping for some spiritual clarity and a reset from negative thoughts. My expectation was met and I'm feeling refreshed.
Marvin: This was my first conference, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought, since it was so close to home, I really should give it a try. I had a slight suspicion that there would be a lot of stuffy, difficult to talk to, people attending, and the presentations would be boring. I was pleasantly surprised! It was nothing of the sort. The people were friendly, and easy to talk to, and the presentations were interesting and relevant to single people. I was impressed!
Mike: I had no expectations going in because it was my first one. Going to the conference, I just wanted to have fun and enjoy myself.
What did you like best about the conference?
Becky: It will have to be a tie between the heavy emphasis on the sacraments versus hanging out with so many like-minded Catholics all weekend. There was daily mass, excellent homilies by two Bishops, opportunities for confession throughout the weekend and perpetual adoration. Also, since I travel for work, it can be difficult to feel a part of any sort of Catholic community, and meeting so many Catholics who share my beliefs (and who I can hopefully remain in contact with) was important for me.
Rob: The best part of the conference has always been the fellowship of like-minded Catholic singles who come together, yes to possibly meet someone special, but also to make new friends in a setting that is open to the will of God. The speakers, the Mass, the sacraments and most importantly Eucharistic adoration all help to enhance that.
Dan: Adoration and Benediction on Saturday. Deacon Poyo walking around with the Monstrance giving people the opportunity to show reverence to Our Lord. It was so powerful!
Mike: I can't just pick one thing I liked about the conference, it was the combination of everything put together. The speakers, mass, the dance, confession, adoration, rosary walk, and just being around everyone.
What would be a compelling reason to make you return to another Catholic Singles conference?
Becky: It can be difficult to meet other devout Catholics, and hard to fit in to a church community when you’re single. Going to these conferences is a good opportunity to become part of a community of people in a similar position and to hopefully come away with tools to help you in discerning your calling and in helping you figure out what living as a single person needs to be for you in preparing for what is ahead.
For me, a compelling reason to come back is to hopefully build on my previous experiences, because I feel like there is something new to take away from each one.
Rob: The most compelling reason is the opportunity to find someone who shares your faith in a setting where you can actually get to know them in person, in the flesh. Pictures on your computer can in no way do them justice.
Dan: I would come back to meet with friends from the conference this past year and for any new ones gained on CM since then. Also for the spiritual experience as well and the speakers. Lastly a chance to meet someone I could date.
Monique: Community ... It's good for my soul and spirit.
Marvin: It is good wholesome fun, and time well spent with good, wholesome, Catholic people! Not only is it a social event, but it's also a good learning event, helping to strengthen my Catholic faith.
Mike: We all need to strengthen ourselves to become better Christians. What a great way to do it by attending a Catholic Singles Conference.
What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about going to the conference?
Becky: Many people may think that it’s only about meeting a potential spouse, and that it’s therefore a huge waste of time and money to attend a conference for a weekend and potentially not meet anyone of romantic interest. If this is your only goal in attending, then you may not get as much out of it. Treat it as an opportunity that can benefit you in more ways than one.
Think of it as more of a way to build you up in becoming who you’re meant to be (as a potential spouse or some other calling), rather than simply a place to find a date. Think of it also as a spiritual retreat. Look around at the available opportunities around you and consider whether or not you’re doing everything you can.
Rob: To those on the fence I would say get off it! You will have a blast. The conference is a ton of fun. Once there, engage even further. You never know who God may put in your path.
Dan: Go! You don't know what God has in store. Have faith in the Lord. It will beat expectations. It's a real spiritual treat and a lot of fun.
Monique: Just do it ... what's the worst that could happen? ... you meet a few new people and celebrate in our Lord's "reckless love" for us ... It's a no brainer ;)
Marvin: Give it a chance! You won't regret it. Also, if you can, allow some extra time to participate in the pre and post conference activities.
And there you have it. It was a blast. Come join the fun at next year’s conference.
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