Pets Make Single Life Less Lonely


We weren't surprised to learn that the majority of single Catholics own a pet. (Check out our fascinating poll results below.)

And most of you who don't currently have a pet in the house said you'd consider getting one in the future. (Good thing, because you may end up marrying an animal-attached CatholicMatcher like Carrie-709467, left, pictured with her dogs, Gracie and Quito. Aren't they beautiful? Carrie, too?)

CatholicMatch members have eloquently explained the important role pets play in singles' lives.

"They are wonderful, loyal companions who give so much back," said Julie-80911, who has two dogs.

“I have three cats and one foster cat,” Steven-94269 said. “They are great companions. Now if only I could teach them to clean their own litter boxes.”

"Animals are always so wonderful to have around the house," said Leanne-387609, who has two small dogs.

“I had two Shih Tzus,” said Jacqueline-198. “My male died in May after 15.5 years of happiness and love. I have a female and she has made things easier – otherwise this house would be really lonely.”

“Actually I have 6 dogs, 5 cats, 9 birds and 5 horses,” said Marilyn-362785. “I love them all, and they are my family.”

"They are good companions and love you unconditionally," added Marylee-760540, who has two dogs.

“Pets help keep us in good mental and physical health, so are good for us spiritually if they don't become attachments more important than God,” Marie-358484 pointed out. “For those of us who are single, it is a wonderful outlet to have a living source for our caretaking so we remain humane and understanding of how much of a need another might have. My theory is anyone capable of fostering an Umbrella Cockatoo or a rescue dog from a puppy mill without killing either of them or going insane would most likely be able to handle a spouse and children.”

Tina-747486 bought Toxi, a miniature pinscher terrier mix, from her local Humane Society in 2000, when the dog was 2-years-old, abandoned and scarred.

"She is the best $60 I ever spent," Tina said. "Every day when I come home from work she is there to greet me with licks and wags. She has been at my side through good times and bad. She is very protective of me. She knows when I am sad or had a bad day. Her antics keep me laughing. When I cry, she licks my tears best friend, I love my little Toxi!"

Poll results*

  • 62 percent of single Catholics own a pet
  • Among the 38 percent of single Catholics who don’t own a pet, 63 percent say they would consider getting one.
  • Women are more likely to own a pet. (19 percent of men say they do not own nor plan to get a pet, compared with 11 percent of women. Nearly twice as many single women than men own cats.)
  • Among singles, there are more than twice as many dog owners (35 percent) as cat owners (14 percent). Though dogs are more popular than cats among Americans in general, this disparity exceeds the national average, proving canines’ disproportionate popularity among unmarried Americans.
  • 9 percent of singles own both a dog and a cat or multiple of each
  • Dogs are most popular with 18- to 25-year-olds: 4 in 10 polled single Catholics in this age group own dogs. Cats, conversely, are most popular with older singles.

*This data was pulled from a national survey issued by over its network and represents the attitudes and behaviors of more than 4,500 single men and women that completed this poll between Aug. 1 to Sept. 25, 2011. 

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