This past weekend was the National Catholic Singles Conference in San Diego, Calif. Over the next few weeks I will share all the fun memories of the conference, including a slideshow of all the pictures taken from the weekend!
For those of you who weren't able to make the conference, we wanted to give you a gist of what the speakers talked about, so I live tweeted every talk under the hashtag #NCSC14. Here is a collection of my favorite tweets from the weekend.
RT: @heathervoccola @RobynLee13 Live Tweeting at #NCSC14 for @CatholicMatch
Martha Fernández-Sardina - Get a Lover, Be a Lover!
Let down your nets. Go out and love message someone today. #NCSC14 @RememberURLoved
We are called to be saints. We are called to be lovers. So that people can see God in you before they hear you speak about God. #NCSC14
God holds you in His heart because you are precious to Him. Remember to treat everyone with love b/c they are precious to God. #NCSC14
Don't undervalue yourself. We should be able to say with humility and confidence: "I am wonderfully made" #NCSC14
You are daddy's little boy or girl no matter how grown-up you are. The King of the Universe is your Father. #NCSC14
Our love life begins with a relationship with the God that would die for you. #NCSC14
Feedback about the National Catholic Singles Conference: Fred from Austin, TX said: "I am missing football for this and I don't even care!"
John LaBriola - Healing the Wounded Heart
Unforgiveness is the biggest way the devil gets into your lives. #NCSC14
Can you imagine having Mary's heart? Imagine what receiving the Eucharist would be like? #NCSC14 #JohnLabriola
God wants your heart. Give him your heart. He will redeem it. #NCSC14
Our hearts need healing. Ask God to mend your heart. #NCSC14
RT: @heathervoccola #johnlabriola -I confess the same things over & over again. #Priest - Well, it's a good thing you aren't picking up new ones. #NCSC14
There is nothing that you are going through right now that can't bring you closer to Jesus. #NCSC14
Christa Lopiccolo - Intimacy and Fruitfulness in the Single Life
Your singleness is not a disease. Is not something that is wrong with you. #NCSC14
We do not need to fear the Lord. We do not need to fear our past. Whatever our life story has been, God can use it for great glory. #NCSC14
Jennifer Roback Morse - The Sexual Revolution and its Fruits: Healing Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Society
@RuthInstitute Marriage is not just about the adults and their feelings. Children should not be an afterthought. #NCSC14
What is the sexual revolution? Sex and childbearing separated from each other and both from marriage. #NCSC14
Don't hang your head. Be proud of your Catholic faith. #NCSC14
Fr. Jacob Betrand - Living the Single Life with Singleness of Heart
@fr_jake_bert Make the decision to change. Be the hero. Be the saint that changes it for good. #NCSC14
Don't you hate your will sometimes? You keep committing that particular sin over and over? We have the ability to change, but do it thru love. #NCSC14
We are really good at wanting love, but not at giving love. #NCSC14
Put on kingdom vision. See and hear the world differently. Change how you live. #NCSC14
If you feel lonely get back to a single heart. Do you have one love focused on Christ? #NCSC14
We were made for another and yet we feel alone. #NCSC14
How do we sincerely give of ourselves? By making space in our hearts. #NCSC14
Singles desire a real intimacy with people who care about them. Make the church your family. #NCSC14
Singles need to be evangelized and they need community. They crave it. #NCSC14
If you attended the conference, share any great memories or quotes from the speakers in the comment box below.
Don't forget to send me your pictures at I will share the slide show later in the week!
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