Walt texted Debbie with two different options for their first date.
Option one: they could hit a local henna tattoo parlor, a cigar shop, and a bar that opened at 11am.
Option two: they could visit the local Cathedral, a cool restaurant, a museum, and the farmer’s market.
“It was a tough choice but, after a good laugh, we decided to meet at the Cathedral,” Debbie said.

Debbie, 54, had met Walt, 58, on CatholicMatch several weeks earlier, in January 2018. Walt was a widower and Debbie’s first marriage had been annulled. He lived in Austin, she lived in Dallas.
They had much in common: their Catholic faith, exercise, music choices, books they’d read, and their daughters’ upcoming weddings. Their conversation was easy and natural. Over the next five weeks, they looked forward to receiving each other’s daily messages.
Eventually, Walt asked for Debbie’s phone number. They texted and made arrangements to talk on a Sunday.
“He called that evening and we talked for two hours!” Debbie recalled. “I loved the sound of his voice.”
Soon, they made plans to move beyond texts and phone calls, and to meet in person on February 17 in the Dallas area.

A few days before their scheduled meeting, Debbie fell ill with the flu. On Valentine’s Day, Walt sent her flowers and a card saying he didn’t want to be too forward but he also did not want her to feel forgotten on Valentine’s Day.
“That was such a joyful, kind gesture that made my day,” Debbie said. “I could not wait to meet this man who had never met me and yet sent me flowers. So precious! We really felt that we knew each other through all the letters we had written, but I was so delighted at his kindness.”
A few days later, Debbie was feeling better in time for their first in-person meeting. On Saturday, February 17, Debbie walked into the chapel of the Cathedral in Dallas and saw Walt standing in front of a stained glass window. “His eyes were soft, gentle, inviting, and kind,” Debbie said.
At that moment, she remembered a message she had received in prayer: “You will know when he is from God.”
After saying hello and giving him a hug, Debbie’s first instinct was to kneel and thank God for placing Walt in her life. “I felt an instant connection,” she said.

Their Saturday date started at 10 a.m. They walked around downtown, to a park, a museum, the farmer’s market, a restaurant for lunch, then back to the park. They attended Mass at the Cathedral, went to dinner, then to another restaurant for a snack. They talked and laughed and neither wanted the day to end. By 10 p.m., after 12 hours together, they finally hugged goodbye.
The very next day, Walt called to talk with her some more. “As our conversation was coming to a close, he asked if he could pray with me. Wow! Another answered prayer!” Debbie said. “To pray with my spouse was one of my prayers.”
They continued to talk and pray together every day, and they met every weekend in Austin, Dallas, or some place in between.
Since Walt worked on Fridays and Debbie worked on Sundays, Saturdays became their official day to devote to each other. They hiked, went to movies, concerts, and restaurants, enjoyed picnics in the park, went on runs together, and shopped at the mall. “He was always so gracious, kind, and chivalrous,” Debbie said.
One evening, after Mass and dinner, Debbie felt compelled to let Walt know she really cared for him, and felt a deep connection.
Walt asked if he could kiss her goodnight. “Of course, I said yes,” she shared.
On the last weekend of June, they visited an adoration chapel, to pray for others but also to seek discernment for their relationship moving forward.
As they prayed, Debbie sensed God telling her to go to Austin. Meanwhile, with Debbie to his right, left-handed Walt was trying to figure out how to take her hand in his. “As I was praying, I felt a strong push to lean closer to him,” Debbie said. “When I touched his arm, he heard God say, ‘now is the time.’”
Walt grabbed an engagement ring with his right hand, then reached his left hand out to take Debbie’s. He looked up at Jesus, then at Debbie, and asked, “In front of the One Who Makes It All Possible, Deborah Lynn, will you marry me?”

Without hesitation, she said yes.
They knelt and thanked God for each other a little longer. As they happily exited the chapel, a woman named Alicia followed them out. She stopped them and remarked, “It is beautiful to watch a husband and wife praying together.”
Debbie and Walt told her they weren’t married yet, but that Walt had just proposed.
“Dios Mio!” Alicia exclaimed.
“How beautiful! You were meant for each other. What a beautiful way and place to start your lives together. You keep praying and going to adoration together, okay?”
They did. Debbie and Walt continued their long distance relationship for another five months as they planned their wedding. They married on December 1, 2018, and moved to their new home in Austin.
“We have so much fun together!” Debbie said. They found a local church, and continue to work together to grow their marriage stronger with God’s help.
“We are so grateful for God and His provision,” Debbie shared. “We are grateful to be so united in our faith, our activities, and our lives. It is a pleasure to do life together, and seek God’s will for us!”