What do a liberal-minded single woman and an ultra-conservative, old-fashioned guy have in common? An irresistible attraction to each other that draws them together and compels them to face their differences, their fears and their passion for each other with brutal honesty. That's exactly what you'll get when you go see the movie Old Fashioned due in theaters Valentine's Day. I've seen the movie and I can tell you, it is just as beautiful a movie to look at as it is a story to fall in love with. That is, if real love and happiness—not casual or bizarre sexual encounters—matters to you.
Writer/director/actor Rik Swartzwelder and his co-star Elizabeth Roberts really deliver the goods through their outstanding performances and a real-world depiction of the trials and challenges of being single in a sexed-up world. Old Fashioned challenges the idea that chaste dating, pure intentions and respect for your date on all levels A) really exists and B) is more exciting and romantic than the way most people are dating these days. The hook-up, no-strings-attached, disposable-relationship environment comparatively seems empty and exhausting, which makes this love story fertile ground for some meaningful conversations between men and women.
Swartzwelder plays a reformed frat boy who, years later, runs a successful antique shop and spends much of his time punishing himself for his sins of the past. He ends up renting the vacant apartment above the shop to a fairly free-spirited young woman who breezes into town on a fluke and who also has a troubled past. Together, they flirt and tease each other in a way that will remind every married couple of how fun and exciting it is to fall in love. But when the challenges of friends who don't understand or agree arise, the two are forced to face some dark memories and personal fears which, in my opinion, really brings substance to the story.
There's no question that single Catholics today long for a world where virtue, courtship and authentic romance are king and anyone in the audience with that in mind will definitely feel their money was well-spent. I'm no professional movie reviewer, but I'd give this film a hearty two thumbs up! Check out the trailer for the movie below and send me an email to let me know what you think at asklisa@catholicmatch.com.
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