How To Know If God Sent You Someone: 10 Signs The One Pursuing You Is THE One
Do you know how to know if God sent you someone? As a dating Catholic, chances are you've asked yourself something along these lines: "What does God want me to do in this relationship?" Unfortunately, how to know the will of God in a relationship isn't always something you will get a crystal clear answer about.
However, that doesn't mean you should leave Him out of the equation when you are determining what to do...especially if it is a big choice such as determining whether or not to break up or get married! During our time of singleness and/or dating, we are often met with confusion and uncertainty. Luckily, as a Christian, you don't have to face these confusing times alone Hopefully, this post can provide you with a better understanding of how to know if God sent you someone! Keep reading...
If you feel unsure about the state of your current relationship and would love some advice from your Heavenly Father, remember this, God always wills the full flourishing of the human person.
So, when considering whether God is willing you to be with someone or what God's plan is in a relationship, you need to ask yourself whether or not you are becoming more fulfilled as a human person both naturally and spiritually. You also need to determine whether or not this relationship is strengthening your own relationship with God and, if not, then you may need to consider whether this relationship is right for you.
Is There Any Way to Know God's Will in a Relationship?
The easiest way to find out if it’s God’s will or not is by asking Him directly. Our Lord will give you an inner knowing and peace about it. The Holy Spirit speaks through our hearts, but we have to be open and willing to listen.
There is no one who knows what’s best for you more than God Himself. Don’t be afraid to ask for God’s guidance. There's not always a clear-cut way to know how to know God's will in a relationship, but these signs should help you as you discern!
How to Know if God Sent You Someone: 5 Signs from God About Relationships
God has plans for your life, but it is up to you if you want to accept them or not. So, be sure to always seek God’s guidance in striving for His will rather than just looking at what the world would consider “right”.
We are reminded in the Bible in Proverbs 3:5-6 to, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths."
These Bible verses remind us that God is in charge and, even better, He has a plan in place for us, including who we date and who our future spouse will be! However, discovering that plan isn't always easy.
But, we can do ourselves a favor by becoming more aware of the type of person God intends for us. Looking for these attributes is sometimes how to know if God put someone in your life.
How to Know When a Godly Man is Pursuing You
If you're asking yourself, "Is he the one God wants for me?" consider this: If your relationship brings out the best in both of you and is consistent with God’s word, you will feel peace about your discernment with this person. A good way of how to know if God put someone in your life is to remember that anything that does not give you peace is usually not from God.
Now let's look into how to know if he's the one God has for you. Check out the attributes of a Godly man below!
1. He Doesn’t Lie.
One of the signs that a godly man is pursuing you is that the right man for you will not bring toxic traits into a relationship. One of the most important signs that a Godly man is pursuing you is whether or not you can trust his word about everything. Just as you wouldn't settle for a best friend who lies, you should never settle for a man who is dishonest either!
2. He Doesn’t Corrupt Your Good Character.
One of the other signs a godly man likes you is that God will not send you a partner who will destroy your good habits and character. Ask yourself, does he inspire you to grow as a better person or does he influence you to do bad things?
3. He Honors and Respects You.
He will always put your well-being first and never disregard your personhood. One of the most important signs that a Godly man likes you is how he treats you. Don't settle for a man that ever disrespects you. If your man is from God, he will honor you and treasure you at all times.
4. He Makes Sacrifices.
One of the most obvious signs that a man is good for you is that he will be sacrificial. This is a classic example of how a Godly man pursues a woman! Whether or not he is willing to sacrifice is a good way of how to know a godly man likes you. His sacrifices don't need to be dramatic, but a Godly man will continue to make sacrifices both big and small for you and your relationship. Of course, this should go both ways!
5. He Gives You Grace.
With grace is how a godly man pursues a woman. Grace is a gift given to you even if you don’t deserve it. It’s different from a blessing since you will only receive a blessing if you work for it. The man God has placed in your path will always be kind and graceful towards you. Whether or not he does this is another prime example of how to know a godly man likes you.
How to Know When a Godly Woman is Pursuing You
Just as I mentioned above for the ladies, the same things will apply here as well. A good way how to know if she's the one God has for you is to evaluate your relationship. Does she make you a better and holier person? Does she bring you closer to Jesus and becoming the man you were meant to be?
Check out these attributes of a Godly woman below!
1. She is Intentional.
She makes it very obvious that she wants to spend quality time with you. When you're with a Godly woman you won't find yourself questioning whether or not she cares about you. Instead, you will have a sense of where her head (and heart) are at in regards to your relationship.
2. She Speaks Highly of You.
When people ask her about you, she never has anything negative to say and she upholds your personhood and dignity. She doesn't belittle you in private or in public. When the two of you disagree about something, you should be able to handle it in an appropriate manner and not with dramatics.
3. She Respects You.
She will never say anything to humiliate you, disrespect you, or make you compromise your beliefs. She won't push you to give up your values or morals and will instead make them (and you) even stronger!
4. She Leads You Closer to Jesus Christ.
She invites you to Mass, holy hour and is consistent with asking you to pray together as a couple. A Godly woman won't draw you away from your faith, but should instead build it up and help you to grow in it. In short, she helps you to love God more fully.
5. She is Selfless.
She won't put her needs or desires before yours. She understands you're both a team and that compromise is important. Sacrifices should be made on both sides of a relationship in different ways. A Godly woman will not only think about herself but you and your relationship as well!
What To Do When God Sends You a Man or Woman
It's important to not get ahead of yourself. Ask the Lord to guide you in your relationship and discernment. Our Blessed Mother is a wonderful intercessor and she can also lead you to make the right choices. Ask her daily for her in help in finding your own true love. Be sure to always incorporate God in your relationship, this is sure to only make the discernment process smoother and make you feel more at peace when making decisions.
Don't forget that God's way isn't always the way we expect as a human being! So, remain open and be sure to take His relationship advice when He shares it with you.
How Do You Know if God Sent Your Mate? Our Conclusion:
One last thing to keep in mind is this: you can assume that the person you are with was sent from God if this person truly does lead you closer to Christ; if they inspire you and encourage you to be a better Catholic, and if with them you have matured spiritually. If the person you are with does not lead you closer to Christ, it is safe to assume this relationship is not the right one for you.
Remember, there aren't always necessarily signs God has sent your mate to you. Instead, it is your job to pray, discern, and do your best to discover God's will for your relationships. Your future husband or future wife probably won't show up with a neon sign saying "God sent me"!
Some ways to aid your discernment are to spend some time reading scripture, picking up a solid devotional that will support your current state in life, and spend time in prayer looking for God's purpose for your life.
Does God Send Signs About Love?
Sometimes we expect God to send us clear signs so you would “just know”. But, that's not often how God works. Instead, he gives us our native intelligence. He gives us the gift of His grace to affect our intelligence so that we can judge, perceive, and order things wisely.
How Do You Know if God Sent You the Right Person?
This answer will change from person to person. However, in general, you will feel a sense of peace. Communication with this person is easy. You both strive to get closer to Christ and you lead each other down a righteous path. They inspire you to be the best version of yourself.
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