A full-time job is just what it sounds like—full time. I recently started my first 40-hour work week commitment, and of course, it has been a whirlwind of learning the ropes and adjusting to a new schedule. As if that isn't enough, I also recently met someone and together we decided to make another kind of commitment—the relationship kind.
It has been a scary phase to be in. There are two new (and huge) things on my plate and some days the plate overflows. But as the months have passed, I have learned to manage my career goals and relationship needs. Finding balance is key when entering a new stage of life. After a bumpy beginning, I have found a rhythm that makes me happy in both my professional and romantic life.
So, while you're on the job ...
It is important not to multi-task. Focus is key when getting things done. Don’t mix Twitter time with a project for work; do one thing at a time. It might feel like you are getting less done, but the quality of your work actually improves when you don’t overwhelm yourself with a lot of tasks.
Leave work at work. This takes some practice, but it is so easy to become sucked into your job and expectations of being the new one in the office. Don’t spend your time at home thinking about work. Give yourself room to breathe—in the long run, you need those breaths to be able to take on everything besides office stuff. If you let work overtake you, those responsibilities will push out other important things in your life, for example, spending time with your significant other.
And while you are in a relationship ...
Make your relationship a priority. If you are serious about your relationship, you need to make time for it. Even on nights when you are too tired, make sure that you give your boyfriend the time he deserves. Maybe watch a movie and order a pizza instead of going on a date that requires nice clothes and driving. People are usually not that picky about what you are doing—they just want to know you care enough to make the time.
Simply plan ahead. If you both know you are free on Saturday the 23rd, then make plans for that day, even if it is weeks in advance.
Make a commitment. And even if better plans come up with friends for Saturday the 23rd, you should stick to the original plans. Make sure she is a priority on the same level as any other commitment. Don’t get into the thought process of, “Oh, work is more important. He won’t mind if I cancel dinner tonight because I have to stay at the office. We’ll go next weekend.” Trust me, next weekend is going to be just as busy. Get used to sacrificing a little bit, as long as the give and take is mutual.
Do normal things. My boyfriend and I also do a lot of “normal” things together. By this, I mean things like grocery shopping, going to the gym, or walking the dog. It doesn’t sound exciting, but if the only free time in your day is the time that you need for the supermarket, why not do the errand together? You can learn a lot about a person by what she buys at the grocery store. We have spent hours doing mundane things and having a good time—and it doesn’t overwhelm our schedules. All it takes is including each other in your everyday tasks.
Balancing a full-time job, time for yourself, and a relationship will not always be easy, but it will always be worth it. If the person is the right one, time with them won’t be another thing on your to-do list. It will be the time of your day that you look forward to the most.
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