We are journeying step by step down the “Pathway of Love.” Let us pause to look at one of the biggest pitfalls that Catholics fall into.
In a nutshell, it is taking relations too fast. Getting emotionally involved with someone too quickly is one of the main reasons for bad breakups, poor decision making, heartbreak, regret, and even broken marriages. Understanding the nature of love and the part emotions play will allow us to navigate safely and avoid regrets.
Imagine that attraction, feelings, and emotions are like a car engine. The more powerful they are, the more you step on the gas pedal. The harder you step on the gas pedal, the faster you go, and the faster you go the more thrilling the ride is. Driving fast can be exhilarating, but there is also more danger of getting into an accident.
It is the same with a relationship. The faster you go, the more possibility there is of getting hurt.
You probably know what it’s like to meet someone who you click with right away. You talk for hours, laugh freely, have a lot in common, and everything seems perfect! Your emotions are taking you into the clouds with excitement. This is natural.
The problem is when we don't give ourselves enough time to come down from Cloud 9 and go back to reality. The added problem comes when we see or talk to our significant other every waking moment.
Many people mistakenly believe that this is the sign of a good relationship, when in fact, it’s a sign of a dangerous relationship. You can know everything about a person without actually knowing a person. Knowing someone for who they really are takes time.
Getting Emotionally Invested Too Soon
One of the greatest dangers in a relationship is getting emotionally invested too soon. Women often have more of a tendency toward this because their hearts are so beautiful and willing to give so generously. It's why they often get let down and hurt more too.
This certainly goes both ways, but when a relationship is driven by passion or emotion, there is a great tendency to give our hearts away too quickly instead of opening them up prudently over time.
True love is like a rose. It blooms very slowly, and it needs time to be watered, nourished, and cared for. Thus, it is so important to journey down the pathway of love slowly, hand in hand, enjoying each other, enjoying the beautiful scenery the path has to offer, and learning the lessons necessary to build the solid foundation of marriage.
Going too fast in relationships blinds you and clouds your judgment. It is this right judgment that is so desperately needed to help you see whether the person you are with is actually the person they are and not who we want them to be.
Is your significant other really strong, capable and trustworthy enough to bear the enormous weight of your delicate love and trust? Or will your heart be dropped and shattered in disillusionment?
Rushing down the path headlong in excited passion and skipping the necessary steps of love will stunt your relationship's true growth and create a frail foundation.
Passion rushes. Love does not.
Much time is needed to build a solid and mature friendship that will last a lifetime and weather all of the storms to come.
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