Can Men and Women Be 'Just Friends'? (VIDEO)


So, here’s the age-old question: can men and women be just friends? Is it possible? I suppose it depends on what we mean by "friend." We have many acquaintances, work colleagues, classmates, and buddies of the opposite sex, but what really defines a friendship and can two people of the opposite sex really be just friends? Or will there always be a sexual interest between at least one person?

I have always answered, "well, it depends." Are we talking about coworkers who just greet each other in the morning, at lunch and before they go home? Are we talking about college friends that see each other once every three months and text occasionally? Or are we talking about two people who share intimate details with each other and see each other every day? There are different levels of friendship and it is important to distinguish what types of friendships we are talking about.

In the movie When Harry Met Sally, the answer was a definite “no.” There’s no way, according to Harry, that two people of the opposite sex could have feelings limited only to friendship.

So what is the real answer and why does the question always intrigue us?

To answer your question, check out this video from Dr. Gregory Popcak and his wife Lisa. They've answered this captivating question in a way that I have never considered before. I suspect it may surprise you as well.

They look at the bigger picture and ask if we are seeing each person with dignity. Are we looking at the needs of each person and how we can relate to him or her or are we just labeling people as dating material? I love that the Popcaks talk about the importance of appreciating the other gender as a person.

But the conversation doesn't stop there. Have you ever considered the dynamics of men and women after you get married? It should all work magically and perfectly that we don't need to think about it, right? Well not quite ... good friendships are needed for a healthy marriage too. It is important for couples to first develop a friendship and relate to each other as whole persons. Friendship love inside a marriage is what keeps the relationship going through the long haul. They even say that friendship love helps married couples to have fulfilling sexual relationships.

Watch the video and then tell me what you think. Do you agree with their answers or do you feel differently? Have you had a "just friends" relationship work out or go bad? Leave me your feedback in the comment box and let us know what other topics you would like to see covered.

And Greg and Lisa have some really great stuff about relationships on their website, so check out the Pastoral Solutions Institute.

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