Love can hold life's sweet surprises.
Three kids, a house, and a dog later, watch how this wife surprised her husband for their seventh wedding anniversary...
Thousands of people have shared this video since it was posted in 2012—despite its amateur quality, despite its lack of sound in some places. Why is that?
It is because it is a real-life romance movie. Most romance movies save all the romance for before the wedding and leave us assuming happily ever after.
This one shows us what happily ever after looks like. It looks like hard work. This seems paradoxical. This wife puts on the beautiful dress and what is she celebrating? It looks like sacrifice to me. Here you see parents who work so hard to provide for their three children that they can't even be together on their anniversary. Yet making sacrifices has not dimmed this couple's love for one another one watt. It has brightened it.
When the cake and dancing and celebrating is over, what's left?
Venerable Fulton Sheen said, “Love is a mutual self-giving which ends in self-recovery.” It is only in loving unselfishly that we find fulfillment.
When the video went around social media, a lot of people commented that it was great that the couple still loved each other and that "their love is unchanged."
Au contraire.
Anyone who has been married a while knows that love has to change. Love is meant to grow and to bear fruit. In the case of this couple, love blossomed into a family with three children. One of them yanks Mom's veil off. Another one stands in the doorway while a stunned Dad shuts the door.
What we see is not an airbrushed version of life. We see life as it is, clumsy and messy and joyful. Mom's dress doesn't quite fit anymore but she still manages to look like a princess with the magic of safety pins. Dad with his baseball cap on backwards and t-shirt is still her prince.
Married life is even more beautiful than the wedding day itself.
Perhaps we love this video—not despite its quirks, but because of its quirks. What this couple shows is that the secret of lasting love is persevering through the everyday. We see the fruits of their commitment as the kids grin, and point, and jump around, secure in their parents' love for each other. Even the dog knows it. As the couple dances, he dances wanting to get in on the happiness. The love and commitment of two people gives the whole household a sense of belonging.
"Why is it that everything becomes part of their love?" asks Venerable Sheen. " Moon and stars, flowers and the birds, evening skies, waterfalls, and the fresh breath of springtime all seem to be ministers to their love. This can only be because love is already in them, put there as they fell from the hand of Uncreated Love. Lovers have better vision than others, and that is why they can see in things the love God put there."
A happily married couple inspires everyone around them. It doesn't stop with the family they might have, but spreads to their friends, their neighbors, their co-workers, and now in this age of social media, even to strangers. That's why there are so many shares. We root for such couples. They show us that happily ever after is real and that if they can make it, we can too.
That's what I call a happy ending.
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