Saint Gregory Nazianzen, bishop and doctor of the church, was a poet, theologian, and a dazzling orator. His beautiful writings have been sources of meditation for 14 centuries.
In one of his homilies he suggested that, in order to prepare ourselves for Easter, we identify ourselves with one of the prominent figures present at the Passion and death of Our Lord. Are we Simon of Cyrene, the Good Thief, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, or one of the Marys who arrived at the tomb to find the stone rolled away?
If you are a Simon of Cyrene, take up the cross and follow. If you are crucified with Him as a robber, acknowledge God as a penitent robber. If even He was numbered among the transgressors for you and your sin, do you become law-abiding for His sake. Worship Him Who was hanged for you, even if you yourself are hanging; make some gain even from your wickedness; purchase salvation by your death; enter with Jesus into Paradise, so that you may learn from what you have fallen. Contemplate the glories that are there; let the murderer die outside with his blasphemies; and if you be a Joseph of Arimathea, beg the Body from him that crucified Him, make your own that which cleanses the world. If you be a Nicodemus, the worshiper of God by night, bury Him with spices.~Saint Gregory Nazianzen
As Jesus hung on the Cross, one of the criminals blasphemed him, cursing and swearing, while the other was contrite: “We are paying the price for what we’ve done.”
If you are the Good thief ...
The good thief was a revolutionary, according to one translation, so I imagine he was feisty and impulsive, perhaps of sanguine temperament, someone who fell into the wrong crowd through bad judgment rather than evil intent, yet whose heart is open and generous. On Good Friday, he shows sincere and humble faith: “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42).
Perhaps you identify with the good thief, whose simple and spontaneous trust in Jesus was immediately rewarded with the gift of paradise.
If you are the good thief, acknowledge your God.
If you are Simon of Cyrene ...
Simon may have been melancholic. He was coming in from the fields, he was tired and looking forward to the Sabbath rest, to the Passover celebration. He didn’t want to be singled out from the crowd to help bear the ignominious cross. He wants to resist, but reluctantly he obeys the soldier’s command.
“Why me?” he must have thought, at first keeping his head down to avoid being recognized. But then, a slow dawning respect comes over him as the man who had been lauded as the Messiah courageously and silently bears the cruelty of the soldiers and the jeers of the crowd. In The Passion of the Christ we see a silent friendship develop, as the two link arms, carrying the cross together. He felt his heart deeply touched by grace, wrote Anne Catherine Emmerich.
If you are Simon of Cyrene, take up your cross.
If you are Joseph of Arimathea ...
Joseph of Arimathea was “a secret disciple for fear of the Jews” (John 19:38). He asked permission from Pilate to remove the body. He was a wealthy and “upright” member of the Sanhedrin (Matthew 27:57, Luke 23:50), a respected leader, one who is used to being in charge and calling the shots.
Yet he is compelled to follow Jesus, too, to become his disciple. Perhaps he was choleric, a leader who is drawn to Christ, who recognizes Christ as the Messiah, yet pragmatically retaining his position in society.
If you are a Joseph of Arimathea, ask for the body of Christ.
If you are Nicodemus ...
Nicodemus was a Pharisee who had come to Jesus at night but who was guardedly open to hearing the truth. He knew that Jesus was a man of God, but skeptically asks, “How can a man be born again once he is old?” (John 3:4) This shows his literal understanding of Jesus’ words. Nonetheless, he later defends Jesus to the Sanhedrin (John 7:50) and joins with Joseph of Arimathea to wrap Christ’s body with linen and perfumed oils (John 19:40).
Perhaps, like Nicodemus, you’re a bit skeptical or worry about appearing like a religious fanatic. Nicodemus may have been a cautious, reserved phlegmatic, someone who doesn’t want to rock the boat or make a show of his faith. Perhaps you worry about appearing like a religious fanatic or you’re a bit skeptical.
If you are Nicodemus, bring spices and prepare Christ’s body.
Whether we are one of these or, instead, are like Mary, who finds the empty tomb and rushes to tell everyone the good news, we can strive to enter into the mysteries of this Good Friday by placing ourselves at the foot of the Cross and joining our sufferings with Christ’s.
If you be a Mary, or another Mary, or a Salome, or a Joanna, weep in the early morning. Be first to see the stone taken away, and perhaps you will see the Angels and Jesus Himself. Say something; hear His Voice. If He say to you, Touch Me not, stand afar off; reverence the Word, but grieve not; for He knows those to whom He appears first. Keep the feast of the Resurrection; come to the aid of Eve who was first to fall, of Her who first embraced the Christ, and made Him known to the disciples. Be a Peter or a John; hasten to the Sepulcher, running together, running against one another, vying in the noble race. And even if you be beaten in speed, win the victory of zeal; not looking into the tomb, but going in. And if, like a Thomas, you were left out when the disciples were assembled to whom Christ shows Himself, when you do see Him be not faithless; and if you do not believe, then believe those who tell you; and if you cannot believe them either, then have confidence in the print of the nails. If He descend into Hell, descend with Him. Learn to know the mysteries of Christ there also, what is the providential purpose of the twofold descent, to save all men absolutely by His manifestation, or there too only them that believe.~Saint Gregory Nazianzen
On Easter, we will rise with him.
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