These Unique Qualities Are What Women Really Want


Remember that movie What Women Want about the guy, Nick Marshall, who could hear what women were thinking? The guy (Mel Gibson) is so good looking and suave that no woman can resist him—at first. But after knowing him just a short time, they can't stand him. Even his own daughter has given up on him:

Nick Marshall: I realize I haven't been the perfect dad.

Alex Marshall: Understatement of the century.

Then there's this guy.

Jack Mook is, at first glance about as plain as a potato. This dedicated 40-something Pittsburgh cop had considered himself a confirmed bachelor. Yet after his story aired on CBS, the station's inbox was flooded with emails—from women. It was a "Where has this hot guy been all my life?" moment.

What is it about him that the ladies couldn't resist? Simple. Jack is a hero.

He rescued two young brothers, Jessee and Joshua. Their parents had drug problems and couldn't care for them so they'd ended up in an abusive home where relatives were beating them and making them clean up dog dew with their toothbrushes. Jack knew the boys from the gym where he taught them how to box.

One day Jessee and Joshua stopped showing up at the gym. So Jack went to look for them.

When he found them, Jessee broke down and told him everything. Jack got food into the boys, reported the abuse, and initiated their removal from the home. Then, instead of going on his way saying, "My work is done here," he adopted them and made them his own.

That's what women really want: a man who will go the distance and beyond. A man who will—as the policeman's motto states—protect and serve. Who will stand up for the weak, think on his feet, take charge, right the wrongs, be tough on bad guys and gentle with women and children, be a man they can rely on?

But you know what really clinches it? What really makes this guy irresistible? He's a dad.

Women want a good father for their children. And children need a father in their lives. There is no doubt that women can do some pretty heroic things when they have to raise kids without a man. But it's still a burden that they were never meant to carry alone. Unfortunately, too many men these days are happy to allow them to carry it. Our sex-without-consequences culture encourages it.

That's another reason a guy like Jack Mook stands out from the crowd—or rather stands above it. His kind of man is getting rarer and rarer.

His wife, Mary, figured that out in an instant. Yes, you read that right—his wife. When Mary Mook saw the broadcast, she didn't waste time emailing the station. She found out the name of the bar where Jack liked to hang out, went there, and made sure she met him. They got married and together the couple is now raising her three kids as well as Jessee and Joshua.

From singleton to the head of a family of five, Jack's uniquely manly gifts are now being shared. And it has made all the difference.

The boys say it better than anyone. "I know he's going to make me a better man in life." Jessee says.  "I know we're going to grow up to be good now," says Joshua.

Now that's a hero. That's what women want.

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