Preparing For Advent: Who Is In The Pew Next To You?


You've probably heard the story of the woman who was deep in prayer one day and heard Jesus say to her, "I am going to visit you today." With great excitement, she ran around all day cooking, cleaning and preparing for the King of Kings' arrival. As the story goes, she was visited that day by a beggar, someone who was lost and needed directions, and a nosey neighbor, all of whom she rudely turned away because she was too busy preparing for God. After waiting well into the wee hours of the morning with no appearance of God whatsoever, she went to bed disappointed. She prayed, complaining that she spent her day preparing for Him and couldn't understand why He was a no-show. His gentle answer opened her eyes... He had, in fact, visited three times that day, appearing as the beggar, the person who was lost, and the nosey neighbor and she had refused Him each time. It's a great story with a powerful message.

Every time I'm faced with a similar situationtoo busy to stop and listen, too irritated to care, too judgmental to be niceI am reminded of that story and if it isn't already too late to do something, I try to dig a little deeper in my heart and change my reaction. But oh, if I could only have a redo on the times I could have been more generous!

Entertaining Angels

I bring this up because I'd like to share a story with you that had a profound affect on me. To set the stage, I have to admit I am not someone who likes to hold hands during the recitation of the Our Father at Mass. I generally pray that prayer with my hands folded and head bowed, giving the impression to others that I am not open to holding hands. But, I had an eye opening experience one day that gave me a very different perspective.

I was talking to my friend, Bill, who had recently gone through a devastating divorce. His ex-wife was awarded custody of his sons and he was relegated to having them every other weekend. He told me how much he looked forward to going to Mass and holding hands during the Our Father because the weight of his loneliness was so great and that would be the only human contact he had for the two weeks between visits with his sons. Other than holding hands at that point at the Mass, he had no hugs, no pats on the back, nothing.

Haven't we all, as single people at one time or another, experienced the feeling of being left out and lonely? It's important to not be so wrapped up in our own worlds that we neglect our brothers and sisters. Don't get me wrong, my point here is not that we should all be holding hands during the Our Father. My point is simply this: when that part of the Mass comes around and someone does extend his hand for you to hold, why not stop and consider that person before you decline the gesture? Why not consider that person might be very lonely? Holding hands may not be in the rubrics of the Mass but it's not a sin, and isn't it more important to treat others with love? So why not accept the invitation to hold hands? You never know who is next to you in the pew.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.

- Hebrews 13:2.

As Advent approaches, we again enter into the deeper mystery of Christ and His mission. He did not come to earth in glory, but as a helpless child, completely dependent upon others. It is a great time to start reflecting on how we perceive Christ in others. Is He approaching you as a relative you don't get along with? Is he visiting you in the neighbor who talks too much? Is He coming to you in the co-worker who treats you poorly? Or maybe, He's the one next to you at Mass extending his hand to hold.

Yes. We all have people we love to be with and those we find it difficult to give our attention to. This Advent, let's prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ by being more charitable, more patient, more attentive, and more willing to treat others well.

I welcome your comments and questions at Don't forget, you can send me your prayer intentions at LisaDuffy.Com and I will keep them in my daily prayers.

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